input question in cubase

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input question in cubase

Post by botch » Sat Jul 24, 2004 10:06 am

i just got a new powerbook and got cubase up and running on it. ive been using cubase on a pc and have had no problems.

im running a 4 track into the computer through the audio line in. cubase is showing that there is audio signal coming in and when i record something and play it back it plays just fine. HOWEVER no sound comes out while im recording or at any other time...only during playback. im sure im missing something simple but could someone help me out? thank you.

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Re: input question in cubase

Post by SpockPicasso » Tue Jul 27, 2004 2:24 pm

Check your monitor settings in Cubase, and in your sound card interface if you have one. If you need more detail, I'll check my Cubase setup at home and get back to you.

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Re: input question in cubase

Post by Larsen » Fri Jul 30, 2004 8:35 pm

Sounds like may be having a conflict with your audio driver. I had the same thing happen once.

Try tweaking your ASIO setup, In my version of Cubase it's under: OPTIONS / AUDIO SETUP / SYSTEM. At the top right there will be your ASIO Driver. Try pulling down the menu until you hear something, or check in the ASIO control panel if there is something not selected.

Also, some card's interfaces will default to a mute setting. Dig into your sound card's control panel and make sure they are all active.



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