Audiosuite plugs stopped working? PTLE

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Audiosuite plugs stopped working? PTLE

Post by choke3d » Tue Aug 17, 2004 10:30 am

So all of my audiosuite plug-ins have seemingly stopped working... While previewing the selection, everything works fine, when I hit process, it goes through the motions, but then the track / selection is unchanged. Did I somehow turn off something? It is really wierd, especially since it acts like it is processing, grey bar and all. Anybody know what this is? I don't really want to have to reinstall...
By the way, this is PT LE 5.2.1 running on Mac OS 9.2.2

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Re: Audiosuite plugs stopped working? PTLE

Post by kcrusher » Tue Aug 17, 2004 12:51 pm

When you choose an A/S plug-in and the window for the plug-in opens, make sure that 'Use in Playlist' is highlighted.

Otherwise it will process and place the processed audio in the audio regions bin rather than in the playlist on the track.
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alignin' 24-trk
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Re: Audiosuite plugs stopped working? PTLE

Post by choke3d » Tue Aug 17, 2004 2:13 pm

bombastique wrote:When you choose an A/S plug-in and the window for the plug-in opens, make sure that 'Use in Playlist' is highlighted.

Otherwise it will process and place the processed audio in the audio regions bin rather than in the playlist on the track.
You're awesome. I think this is exactly my problem, as I noticed new regions with appended names showing up in the "bin". As I'm from a tape background, and I use PT like a tape machine, I couldn't figure out how to get those regions to show up in tracks.
Thanks a ton!


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