Why does clients back up firewire drive playback intermitten

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pushin' record
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Why does clients back up firewire drive playback intermitten

Post by scarygroover » Fri Jan 28, 2005 10:42 am

I was backing up our session to a firewire drive that I had my client purchse. all seemed well and I just wanted to make sure the session playsback from their drive. When I played it back, i would hear it then I wouldn't then in and out again. any reason? is there something I am missing about firewire compatability?


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Re: Why does clients back up firewire drive playback intermi

Post by FormulaReed » Fri Jan 28, 2005 12:50 pm

what are the specs on the drive. Like speed, chip set ect. Somtimes that can cause glitches in the system.

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Re: Why does clients back up firewire drive playback intermi

Post by Slider » Fri Jan 28, 2005 12:59 pm

Speed of the drive?
Firewire bus being loaded down?
Drive needs to be defraged?

Could be one of these things.
I have Raided Raptor 10,000 RPM drives, and the backups on FW sometimes can't handle the data if it's a big project.

Micheal! call me on my cell.
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Hope you're doing well.
Do you still have that Amek console out there?


pushin' record
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Re: Why does clients back up firewire drive playback intermi

Post by scarygroover » Fri Jan 28, 2005 2:28 pm

i don't know what the specs are other than 7200 rpm and firewire. Mine is the same and I have no problem. Is there a fail safe standard brand to buy? or some specs I should follow when advising a client to buy one?

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Re: Why does clients back up firewire drive playback intermi

Post by dacart2004 » Fri Jan 28, 2005 6:33 pm

You might also check to see if there isn't a firmware update available for the enclosure.



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