DirectX not in focus problems

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Peter Olson
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DirectX not in focus problems

Post by Peter Olson » Mon Jan 31, 2005 12:39 pm

When I have some DirectX plugins running in Acid Pro 4.0, I can adjust them and they work fine, but when I minimize or hide them the go back to a default setting, so I have to leave them hanging on the screen.

For some I know the issue is they are old, but some are pretty new. I have moved from Windows 98 to XP recently and don't want to move backwards, but to replace the plug-ins would be big money. Could it be the DirectX version? Can you push that back?

Sorry if this has been posted, not sure how to search for it.
Please no "get a MAC". I have a MAC but I am already heavily invested in non-VST stuff.

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Re: DirectX not in focus problems

Post by apropos of nothing » Mon Jan 31, 2005 1:33 pm


I have a similar problem with certain VST plug-ins. I think its just a common hole for programmers to accidentally leave in.

Your easiest solution may be once you have a plug-in setting that you like, "lock it in" by burning a .wav file of the track through the plug. As a bonus you'll free up processor power.

Wish I had a better solution for ya.

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Re: DirectX not in focus problems

Post by Peter Olson » Fri Feb 04, 2005 9:39 am

sometimes the simplest answer is the one I miss... thanks for the tip, I can mix it with the effect and mute the original in case I want to return to it.
And I think I'm going to bite the bullet and get the Powercore or UA card to replace my most often used Reverb\Comp\Lim stuff now that they are down to the $350 range (must be coming out with a surround version soon?) and toss my older plug-ins.

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Re: DirectX not in focus problems

Post by groover » Fri Feb 04, 2005 10:07 am

I use Vegas Audio 2.0 (yes it's OLD) and I haven't ever encountered this problem, so I have no help to offer, I guess.

FYI I bought a UAD-1 Card and have had some compatibilty problems, but then my system is old and the software and drivers that work for the rest of my rig are not the latest.

If you have a PC audio guru you work with I expect they can get the UAD-1 to work fine.


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