Please explain audio file formats...

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Please explain audio file formats...

Post by StivBatorsWreckedMyCar » Sun Feb 06, 2005 10:19 am

I'm new to the digital audio realm so please suffer this question. Why is it when I burn an audio file out of Peak Bias (.aiff) it plays on some CD players but not others. Should I be using another format? Is there a universal format? I've googled this subject and the answer seems to be no. What then should be my approach?

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Re: Please explain audio file formats...

Post by Wilkesin » Sun Feb 06, 2005 10:51 am

Sometimes it can be the brand of the blank CD, cheap ones dont always play. I had a batch that i could play on anything but when i gave it to my roommate to listen to it would never play in his car.

Also check to see that you are burning as Disc-At-Once (DAO) instead of Track-At-Once. There should be a setting in your burner program.


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