Over 30 in Boston, flexible, curious and driven to create?

Tim Casey
pushin' record
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Location: Boston, MA

Over 30 in Boston, flexible, curious and driven to create?

Post by Tim Casey » Mon Apr 05, 2004 2:03 pm

That's actually a description of me. Anyone else like that around here? I did a multimedia show for the past two years of music and video with another guy and I'm looking to do more of the same with anyone who understands how crazy your schedule gets when you're all grown up and have kids. I've got local places to play (some of them actually feed you and pay you a pittance) and a place to practice. Somehow I've managed to put out at least one album a year since 1981 (!). My friends and I are computer literate (read: we swap files a lot to add our bits to each other's recordings - even from PC to Mac). We're about as far removed from rock stars as you can get, so this isn't a good route if you're looking to crack the Billboard Top-100, but damn, it feels good to have someone come up to you after the show and snatch up a copy of your CD and say "thank you so much - that was so entertaining!" (honestly - its happened a bunch of times to me).

A drummer/percussionist who likes using electronic stuff would be great, but actually whatever you can bring to the show would probably be extremely interesting.

I'm wide open for input. E-mail me (mailto:timcasey@lowbudgetrecords.com) or check out our website for general vibe and some mp3's and videos (we recently filmed the multimedia show and released it on DVD):

Tim Casey
pushin' record
Posts: 290
Joined: Mon Apr 05, 2004 1:16 pm
Location: Boston, MA

Re: Over 30 in Boston, flexible, curious and driven to creat

Post by Tim Casey » Thu Apr 29, 2004 6:44 pm

Okay, I'll answer my own post to keep it alive. I noticed that stuff doesn't move very fast in this section of the board. I wonder if everyone in the world is so busy they can't find the time to chill and have fun? I know it's difficult for me, but I'm starting to wonder if we're all in the same boat - too busy dealing with all kinds of day-to-day madness to actually plan something out, devote some time to it, and see it through, just for kicks?

Even if you're not over 30 in Boston, flexible, and driven to create, do you feel like you're actually doing what you want to do, day in and day out? Consider this a kind of poll.

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Re: Over 30 in Boston, flexible, curious and driven to creat

Post by mjau » Thu Apr 29, 2004 10:41 pm

Under 30, two and a half hours from Boston, enjoy long walks on the beach.
Am interested in swapping .wav files and seeing what happens, but Boston's a bit of a commute for me, and I'm afraid I'll fall into the Big Dig.


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