searching for bass player for indie pop orchestra...

audio school graduate
Posts: 24
Joined: Thu May 13, 2004 11:51 am
Location: southern california

searching for bass player for indie pop orchestra...

Post by sensorarray » Fri Jun 18, 2004 11:10 am

okay, so we're not really an orchestra, but we are looking for a bass player.

us: deadly serious, fun loving, have equipment, able to record...
you: dedicated, sense of humor, at least have a bass and some skills.

sound?: dash of 60's girl group, a pinch of 70's punk and noise, 80's jangle/noise pop; put them all together for a modern stew of indie pop!

we are in the 626 (west covina, hacienda heights, roland heights, walnut, el monte, etc.
there abouts)

email if interested
gender, race, whatever are not issues...



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