Looking for Los Angeles area Musicians

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Joined: Sun Aug 10, 2003 4:48 am
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Looking for Los Angeles area Musicians

Post by countjoffrey » Thu Oct 07, 2004 1:04 am

Hello I'm currently looking for musicians to start a band with.
Currently I'm working with another songwriter, we both play guitar and
write songs. We're into anything from Wilco > Guided by Voices > The
Beatles > My Bloody Valentine > Elliot Smith > etc. We'd like to find a
drummer, bassist, and someone into technology (samplers, laptops, midi
keyboards) and start a great band with great songs. You can hear some
samples of our work at our respective websites:


We're currently writing brand new songs and have some shows lined up,
and we'd like to have new people join us the sooner the better. If this
sounds interesting to you you can email at: countjoffrey@surfcity.net

We're in the Los Angeles area.


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