DRUMMER sought by Brooklyn Alt-folk thing The Foster Family

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Joined: Tue Oct 05, 2004 9:05 am
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DRUMMER sought by Brooklyn Alt-folk thing The Foster Family

Post by JFarrar » Tue Oct 05, 2004 9:12 am

The Foster Family wants you to play drums with us! We are an oft-gigging chamber rock/alt-folk/psychedelic thing. We have a flutist, a cellist and a violist, bass, vox, gtr.

We're looking for somebody who digs playing brushes on a snare drum or playing minimal percussion (glockenspiel, toy piano, whatever) as much as rockin the kit Bonham-style. Being able to do both is key.

No hired guns. We get paid a bit of money for some shows, but paid gigs are by no means a guarantee.

Check out our website -- http://www.fosterfamilymusic.net -- and send us an email if you like what you hear.



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