Hearing/Mental Illness?

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Post by stinkpot » Fri May 23, 2008 12:17 pm

mrufino1 wrote:I work as a behaviorist with people with disabilities, a lot of them having autism. I don't like it when people say "medication" is bad. The wrong medication for someone's issue is bad, the wrong dose of the right medicine is bad, the right dose of the right medicine can be very good. Can be. But even then, meds don't necessarily solve issues on their own, such as in depression, biplolar, OCD, etc, they get you to a place where you can work on it. For instance, with bipolar, the right medications can help even out the mood swings, but then you should work in therapy to recognize the symptoms and how to deal with them when they arise. The lowest dose of medication to get the job done should always be the goal, coupled with appropriate therapies.

I'm not an advocate for either side of this issue. People are complex and varied creatures. What works for some, doesn't do squat for others. Me personally, I'm so grateful to be on Lexapro. It has changed my life for the better and I don't feel I've sacrificed my "highs and lows." It has also helped me to get to a point where I can deal with what I feel are the underlying causes of my depression, etc. Before the meds, I could barely get off the couch, let alone try to be constructively introspective.

Just because the pharma companies are ethically challenged, or you or someone you know has had a bad experiance with coo coo meds doesn't mean that they're all bad for all people. Personally, I want my friends and family to be healthy, happy, and stable. Whatever method works to get them there is not for me to judge.

That being said, in order to deal with the noises that drive me batty, I sleep with a fan going. My poor wife has now been trained to depend on the noise as well. We're screwed when we travel a lot.

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