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Feedback on the current issue, ideas for articles, questions about Tape Op

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Thank you from a new subscriber

Post by Thaumatropemind » Tue Jan 06, 2015 5:15 pm

What a breath of fresh air.
Having just finished my first skim/read of the "Tape Op (104)" PDF download version I am looking forward to adding the current, and many more, editions to my hand-held device in anticipation of many hours of amusing, interesting and informative reading.
For goodness sake, even the ads look good!!
If I may, I'd like to make special mention of the Oliver Ackerman, David Bianco and Chris Mara/Cameron Henry interviews - great work.
There's so much more I'm looking forward to, when I can negotiate with my life for some more reading time.
If I could have a go at identifying what I like so far about Tape Op, I'd say the general lack of bullshit (particularly the self-serving kind found in many trade/specialist magazines), and the broad range of informed observation/opinion that is in evidence in pretty much all I've read so far are the most obvious plusses. I like the way the interviews read like real conversations and don't seem to be pitched at someone's idea of a "lowest common denominator" reader. I don't feel like services/products are being shoved down my throat or that I'm being made feel so inadequate that I NEED this or that. Truth be known, I feel plenty inadequate already when it comes to recording sound.
I actually like that I'm reading stuff that's a bit (or a lot in some cases) beyond my current knowledge and comprehension, and I can assure you I'll be doing some catch-up reading on the stuff that particularly interests me.
I'll stop now, sorry for going on at such length - it's the coffee.
All the best to you for the future,

P.S. Some day I may summon enough courage to write a message board post about my (very amateur) adventures in the worlds of analog and digital recording, but rest assured that's some way off.

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Post by ott0bot » Sun Jan 18, 2015 12:55 pm

well said. the time an effort put in by the tapeOp staff has yielded some of the best and most informative interviews and op-eds out there. no matter your skill level, there is something to learn.

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Post by alkooloid » Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:37 pm

Yes - the model at TapeOp is XLNT - people love it, partly because it's free, and consequently read it and save the issues, pass them around, etc. The whole ad thing doesn't feel creepy, and so with the reader relaxed and feeling chill they might actually feel comfortable enough to explore products and services, as opposed to thinking "what is all this hype?". Trust is established, and the reader has an informative, enjoyable experience, advertisers get better exposure, and TapeOP gets paid to bring us more awesome info and culture. Win, win, win.
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Post by vvv » Mon Jan 19, 2015 6:54 pm

I mix with olive juice.

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Post by TapeOpLarry » Tue Apr 07, 2015 7:11 pm

Gosh and thanks!
Larry Crane, Editor/Founder Tape Op Magazine
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