Any tips on making bass "sound" more in tune.

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Lee Knight
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Post by Lee Knight » Mon Nov 14, 2005 8:13 am

I've been playing 30 years(?!?!?!?!). I agree with boiling 100%. You get a more solid fundemental without all the crazy overtones, but it's still a clear sound. Boiling's good.

If the bass is giving you mutiple tones on 1 note that's making the bass sound out of tune even when played solo, and you're certain your intonation is happening, the foam or felt mute at the bridge should do the trick. That'll knock down the sour overtones as someone decribed above.

If some notes are in tune and some aren't, and you're certain your intonation is happening, tune the bass to the song. What notes are you hitting more that others on this tune? It's in A, then don't tune the open E, tune the fretted A, etc. (This isn't just for a bass that won't behave, I'll do this sometimes with my nice Jazz.)

Extra credit tip: If the bass just won't intonate, skip using the 12th fret as you comparison to the open... use the 5th or 7th fret. Tune the open, play the 5th fret and adjust the bridge for that note, repeat. That's only with a beater bass that won't tune though...

brian beattie
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Post by brian beattie » Mon Nov 14, 2005 7:57 pm

ps, out of tune bass makes gumbo. maybe it's good. Many of my favorite records have fucked up bass tuning. (beatles, meters, war) sometime it GOOD....

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Post by GrimmBrotherScott » Mon Nov 14, 2005 10:42 pm

apropos of nothing wrote:Something that nobody's touched on yet (and I'm disappointed in all of you) is that its within the realm of possibility that poorly tuned drums may be making your bass not sound as in-tune.
This is a little into the digital zone of uber analism, don't you think?

EDIT: I am fully aware of the idea of tuning the snare to the key of the song...I just can't believe the idea of tuning the whole kit per what point does one draw the line?

EDIT + EDIT: I have done the boiling strings thing. I still get better tone with a mute and new strings than I do with boiled. I have even gone so far as to boil with vinegar! They call me douche finger....

Ethan Holdtrue
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Post by Ethan Holdtrue » Tue Nov 15, 2005 12:24 am

If your playing a jazz bass: play on the bridge pickup.

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Post by comfortstarr » Tue Nov 15, 2005 8:34 am

One thing on the boiling: use an old pot and don't tell your co-habitator (if you have one). The gunk that comes out of old strings is not pleasant.

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