Apple "Lossless" file compression

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Post by inverseroom » Mon Jan 02, 2006 6:12 am

Cyan421 wrote:Yeah apple needs to get off the high horse and let someone make some recording devices to work with the ipod.
Looks like that's currently happening. Whatever comes out, though, it had better have a line in...I don't want to have to use the actual microphone, I want to use my nice stereo condensor.

I really can't believe they released the 5G iPod without supporting this feature, though. It even says IN THE MANUAL that the recording feature would only appear on the menu when a microphone adapter was plugged in, and that you could get one at the apple store...and then you go to the apple store AND IT DOESN'T EXIST.

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Sigur Ros "Takk" bass sound

Post by inverseroom » Mon Jan 02, 2006 6:16 am

Whoops, double post

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Post by digdug » Mon Jan 02, 2006 11:29 am

inverseroom wrote:
Cyan421 wrote:Yeah apple needs to get off the high horse and let someone make some recording devices to work with the ipod.
Looks like that's currently happening. Whatever comes out, though, it had better have a line in...I don't want to have to use the actual microphone, I want to use my nice stereo condensor.

I really can't believe they released the 5G iPod without supporting this feature, though. It even says IN THE MANUAL that the recording feature would only appear on the menu when a microphone adapter was plugged in, and that you could get one at the apple store...and then you go to the apple store AND IT DOESN'T EXIST. ... 9183LL%2FA

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Post by inverseroom » Mon Jan 02, 2006 11:42 am

That doesn't work with the new one. :evil:

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Post by apropos of nothing » Fri Jan 06, 2006 1:09 pm

For the record:
I do listen to CDs and vinyl on nice stereos and give it my full attention.

I also listen to crappily encoded mp3s in the car.

I enjoy both. Call me a phillistine, but I do.

One thing that you can say about mp3 -- its the vanguard of file compression, which has repopularized music, which was in danger of being killed by corporate whores. I mean, I can't quite tell you how much music is on my player (20gig), but wow. Screw the mix CD, full-disk shuffle is where its at!

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Post by inverseroom » Fri Jan 06, 2006 4:14 pm

I agree. I'm listening to music I haven't heard in about a dozen Bob Dylan albums on shuffle...or all of They Might Be Giants...or an endless jazz mix.

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Post by trashy » Sat Jan 07, 2006 9:31 am

Why was the bench still warm? Who had been there?

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Re: Apple "Lossless" file compression

Post by penelec » Sat Jan 07, 2006 4:39 pm

inverseroom wrote: I wonder, honestly, how many of us actually listen to music in a nice quiet house, on a nice system, and give it our complete attention? I haven't spent a single moment doing that since 1997, when my kids started being born.
No offense, but I had the opposite experience. Understand that my wife and I were both college radio DJs for a while, and thus love the powertrip that comes with forcing music on others. Post college, we listened to music in a pretty discrete fashion (pre-kids): she'd have her bedroom/bathroom/car presets, I had mine. She'd have her LP cabinet, I had the milk-crates. When my son was born, there was an odd drive to... um... WIN HIM OVER. Fucking knock him on his diapered ASS with (me) 1000 Hurts (she) Pink Moon (me) Revolver (she) Doolettile. Anyway. So every time we sat down to breakfast or dinner, one of us would run to the stereo and play music. And watch his face, looking for that naive appreciation that would settle my wife's and my argument about musical aesthetics (more data: Pink Floyd vs. The Fall; Emmy Lou vs. Dillard Chandler). The aggragate effect, however, was that we listened to the stereo as a family. Then got into my old Star Wars picture discs, books on tape, et cetera. It's weird, but i haven't used headphones since my kids were born, and have a real hard time tracking w/ headphones for that reason.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no Luddite. We've got Sirius and I appreciate my iTunes for burning CDs and all, but the whole communal aspect of music has kinda won me over.

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Post by joelpatterson » Sat Jan 07, 2006 6:06 pm

And then a wise man once said--no lil' ol' compression scheme is going to be able to rob the heart out of a well mixed tune or distort its immediacy and forcefulness.

I think it was a wise man, maybe I better check.
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Post by penelec » Sat Jan 07, 2006 6:57 pm


Absolutely. You could reduce "Little Red Corvette" to 8-bit and I'd still get a boner everytime I hear it.

That's just me, maybe. But still.

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Post by Jeremy Garber » Sat Jan 07, 2006 7:44 pm

I like playing music for my son. I get him lots of musical toys too. He's not even 2 yet, and he can play the harmonica (lol)! The main reason our stereo isn't the main focus anymore, is because our son would be more interested in playing with all the knobs and buttons (which is why we tape the buttons on the TV, and why I removed the doors from the entertainment center). When I'm recording music in my little spare room, he'll run up to the baby gate and start dancing. He's really into music. I think he was practicing his metal growl the other day in the car while we listened to some Super Joint Ritual. hah!

When he's a little older, I will replace the heads on my kiddie drum set, and hand over my quarter sized guitar.

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Post by inverseroom » Sat Jan 07, 2006 8:21 pm

penelec wrote:You could reduce "Little Red Corvette" to 8-bit and I'd still get a boner everytime I hear it.
I get one every time you talk about it.

I'm not saying BTW that our kids aren't older guy plays violin and both of them love music. But they usually prefer silence & so does my wife. To my occasional consternation.

I have taught my kids to recognize Jimi Hendrix though and they both have Hendrix tee shirts, how's that?

And one more thing...putting the whole Harry Partch catalog on there's a very interesting afternoon. :D

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Post by alexxxchange » Sun Jan 08, 2006 6:51 am

Cyan421 wrote: Yeah apple needs to get off the high horse and let someone make some recording devices to work with the ipod.
I haven't tried this but apparently it works on older models:

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Post by evan » Sun Jan 08, 2006 7:39 pm

Yeah, the only problem with the iPod recording right now via iPod Linux is it has shit-for-bit depth -- like 8 bits or something equally laughable. And it's mono.

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Post by 0xeneye » Mon Jan 09, 2006 2:04 pm

I listen to 80% of my music on a quality stereo with great speakers, a tube pre amp, and a high end CD player or turntable in the best room in the house. This investment is the most enjoyable and exciting thing I have done since buying an electric guitar at 14.

I spent a few hours comparing MP3 and my stereo, and was really disappointed in the MP3 sound - favorite recordings were ruined. I think 192 K sample rate may improve things however.

For me, MP3 is for background music and car stereo. To me "car stereo" is one of the stupidist phrases around, especially since my car speakers are at my ankles, and there's a 60 MPH hum everywhere, and my dog in panting in the back seat.....

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