processor upgrade question

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processor upgrade question

Post by knapus » Fri Jan 27, 2006 12:12 am

Sorry if this has been discussed before...

Has anyone upgraded a mac G4 400mhz (AGP Graphics) with a new processor (say 1.5ghz or something similar) and then successfully run any version of Pro Tools LE with multiple tracks and plug-ins? I just read Hillary's review of a processor upgrade but wasn't sure if she was running PT or not. I know Digidesign has an older post saying that they do not support processor upgrades but some googling suggests that some people have been successful with this. Thanks.

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Post by MechaGodzilla » Fri Jan 27, 2006 1:56 am

I bought a 1.2 ghz upgrade from OWC for my 350mhz G4 (AGP) a few months ago. Everything computer-wise ran decent, but Pro Tools would invariably lock up after 5 or 10 minutes. I reinstalled, reformatted, etc etc etc, but eventually gave up and went back to the old chip. Total waste of $300. I should've just saved for a new machine.

Also, the new chip wouldn't support sleep-mode, and every now and then I'd get a kernel panic at startup. Just a lot of the same nonsense that made me avoid getting a PC to begin with.

FWIW, when Pro Tools was running, the speed boost was awesome - I could actually play out 24 tracks with extensive plugs - but the unreliability made it totally useless.

So yeah... Avoid 'em like the plague!

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Post by r0ck1r0ck2 » Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:42 am

i had just the opposite...
533mghz to 1.2 or something... got it a owc...
fast shipping too..

PTLE = no problem

sleep mode...= no problem...

runs like a champ

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Post by knapus » Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:45 am

Thanks for the info. and, wow, bummer. Sorry to hear that. I wonder if it would make any difference that my machine is starting out at 400mhz (instead of 350)? Not that I doubt the crappiness of your experience at all MechaGodzilla, but just out of curiosity, did anyone have any positive results?

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Post by Al_Huero » Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:54 am

I upgraded my 800 MHz single processor G4 to a 1.4 GHz. No problems and PTLE runs great. I can track down the model processor I used for the upgrade if you're interested. I think it was Gigadesigns if I remember right.

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Post by knapus » Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:55 am

thanks rock1rock2, we must've posted at the same time. Sounds like you had the G4 digital audio model, is that right? I was going by this page:

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Post by knapus » Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:58 am

Hey thanks, Al Huero, yeah I'd love to hear which model processor you bought. Thanks again everyone.

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Post by knapus » Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:59 am

I'd especially love to hear from anyone starting with the 400mhz AGP (just in case it somehow makes a difference).

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Post by Al_Huero » Fri Jan 27, 2006 9:04 am

Yeah, it was a Gigadesigns upgrade, purchased through Mac Gurus. Doesn't look like they still carry the model I purchased; they seem to come out with new ones all the time.

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Post by r0ck1r0ck2 » Fri Jan 27, 2006 9:04 am

yep "Digital Audio" oooooooohh
looking at that page i'm pretty sure i got the 1.25 upgrade..
being a fuking cheapskate...

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Post by knobtwirler » Fri Jan 27, 2006 11:21 am

MechaGodzilla wrote: So yeah... Avoid 'em like the plague!
I wouldn't say that at all. If you would state exactly what your setup was we'll avoid that scenario. Plus there may have been install/OS issues specific to your system. Generally speaking, a CPU upgrade by a reputable and tried and tested company is as seamless as if your computer came with that faster CPU.

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Post by MechaGodzilla » Fri Jan 27, 2006 2:06 pm

Hmm. Well, I'm glad to hear there's some success out there. I wonder what's up?

The chip I used was This one, and my machine is a 350 mhz AGP Graphics board.

Anyone in the area (Seattle) wanna try this one out, to see if it's just my computer? It wouldn't surprise me to find something else is broken, and it's just sitting in a box on my desk right now.

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Post by r0ck1r0ck2 » Fri Jan 27, 2006 2:12 pm

weird...the one i got

hopefully someone will take you up on that...

wonder if owc will give you a replacement if its fuked


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Post by Ken » Thu Feb 02, 2006 7:35 pm

Yes, you can do this. I have a 466MHz Digital Audio G4 (running dual boot 9.2.2/OS10.3.7, in case it matters), and successfully replaced the original processor with an OWC 1.5GHz upgrade processor.

But it's been a loooong journey to get there.

I purchased the first processor in Nov 2004 (14 months ago or so). It messed up a lot. The computer locked up, crashed, did all sorts of weird things. I called tech support. They said to lower the jumper settings. I did. It ran nominally better, but I still had major problems. I lowered the jumper settings again. It ran much better, albeit with glitches, but slowly but surely, more things started happening. iTunes didn't work well, and the computer began to freeze.

The computer one day stopped booting up. I called an Apple-authorized tech to come out. Not sure of what the problem was, he reinstalled everything. It worked reasonably well again.

Then in December 2005, the computer did not boot up again. Nothing. Couldn't boot up from the CD. I tried everything. I then replaced the OWC Mercury Extreme CPU with the original 466MHz processor. The computer worked PERFECTLY FINE, and all problems with iTunes and other odd little things immediately evaporated.

I asked for a replacement. They sent me a second OWC Mercury Extreme CPU. I noted on their web site that it now stated that the CPU came configured, and that no adjustment of jumper settings was necessary. I called to verify this. I then installed this second CPU. The computer did not boot up. At all. Nothing.

I sent the second one back and got a third one. Same thing upon installation. Nothing. OWC refused to give me a refund or another manufacturer's CPU even though they sell Sonnet and others, stating that I had exceeded the 30-day refund period, and that all they could do is continue to send me that exact model processor.


One of their technology gurus called me after I had wasted quite a lot of time on the phone (on hold) with them. He suggested that I lower the jumper settings.

I figured I'd try this out.

But when I took a look at their existing jumper settings and comparing to their accompanying Jumper Setting Chart, I realized that they thing had come shipped with a "jumper setting" that did not exist on their chart.

I switched it to one of their specified jumper settings and the computer booted instantly. I changed jumper settings to the fastest setting. Same thing, the computer booted instantly.

These OWC Mercury Extreme processors allegedly come pre-tested. On the third processor, they had assured me repeatedly that this one had been tested.

So if it's pre-tested AND OWC claims that you don't need to adjust their jumper settings, why was this adjusted to a non-existent setting that wouldn't work?

I have no idea.

But at any rate, I wrote three of the gentlemen a polite email, asking this very question, three days ago.

No apology, no answer, no response.

The good news is that my computer is working really well so far. Pro Tools is running smoothly, and everything else seems to be operating well.

But I've not been impressed with how OWC Customer Support has handled this. And I'm not impressed with their inconsistency. I rarely complain about companies, but I'd have second thoughts about ever dealing with them again, especially with their processors.


The current Jan 2006 issue of TapeOp has a review on thte OWC Mercury Extreme Processor. I think it was thte 1.5GHz one. The person mentioned that the processor they received had the seal busted open, and that the fan had been removed, which resulted in a bent post, and concluded that OWC had sold her a used or returned processsor.

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Post by MechaGodzilla » Fri Feb 03, 2006 2:00 am

I already tried lowering the speed settings from 1.2 to 1.0, and it did run nominally better, but still hung if you looked at it funny.

Well, that settles it then - To the phone!
No sense in not trying another chip at least.

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