Metal, Hardcore, Death, Grind, Black, Doom, Elf-Metal...

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pushin' record
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Post by rushofblood » Wed Jun 14, 2006 2:33 am

Sounds pretty cool, I know what you mean about the sound, more Melvins than Metallica. Post clips when you're done 8)

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Post by these_go211 » Wed Jun 14, 2006 8:04 am

"a huuuuuge really punchy bombardment of skull eating awesomeness"

oh, that is a really niiiiiiice quote!
"well, it's one louder, isn't it...."

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Post by ChrisCo » Wed Jun 14, 2006 8:29 am

stereopathetic_banjo wrote:sorry- just got back. had to go play some muzak with some friends for a bit. anyway, the guitar player in this band plays some Jackson shredder unit with humbuckers, and i'm guessing he'll be playing thru my amp( i hope...) which will probably be my carmen ghia with some sort of fuzz/ dist pedal getting the fudge tunnel tones thru a 1x 12 open back cab. I realize this goes against common heavy wisdom, but i've gotten some zany sounds with it, despite what normally gets clean ac15 sounds... as i said, the bassist has Rickenbacker which rocks the buttocks, so i don't think that'll be a problem. the drummer is a straight foward player with few flashy fills- just full on flailing sticks. he's gonna be playing my '72 ludwig kit, and the recordings i've done thusfar in my new room sound pretty sassy, so i think that's good as well. we're tracking thru my otari 1/2" 8-track and mixing thru my recently aquired Ramsa wr-8616. i'll be getting some canare snakes made for fanning out to the board, so i think that'll help as well. as far as dumping to slow- tools, i dunno... really depends on what they feel, and or if they want alot of automation/ effects. i'm not for or against it, really. ummm, preamps will be a sytek and an OSA mp1-c (pretty crunchy) with an old digimax for utility pres and or the ramsa, which from what little i've tried em sounds pretty nice. the kit will be mic'd with a matched pair of 4041's ,d112 inside the kick, ksm 32 outside, c3000 on the floor tom. i havent mic'd the other tom in years, but if it calls for it, we can. i usually go for the glynn johns thing with an akg solidtube mic above and dont even use the AT's , but we'll see. guitars, i dont even know, i'll figure it out as we go, and bass- i'm kinda thinking robbing the d112 from the kick for this occasion. i can always throw a 57 in there. i'm gonna do my best to see if i can get some shaker egg on that record...maybe a hidden track. anyway, this is becoming a diary, so off i go.

They're going to be tracking instruments live? Sounds like... Anyways, yeah man, this is a WAY different type of thing than Ethan's project. I'm curious to see what you'd get... sounds like you're already approaching this in a pretty creative manner to start off with...

Is the bass going to be going in direct, or are you micing an amp? Which amp are you micing? I would even consider throwing an LDC in the kick drum... maybe just the KSM32 on the inside rather than the outside and using the D112... though I think in doing that you'll lose some midrange definition since the D112s scoop things pretty starkly.

Interesting though... definitely cool and interesting!
I'm all about a little kick and snare

Drew's Analog Planet
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Post by Drew's Analog Planet » Wed Jun 14, 2006 12:43 pm

Ok...yes I am an old-school analog rock guy, but....what the hell is Elf-Metal????

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Brett Siler
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Post by Brett Siler » Wed Jun 14, 2006 12:49 pm

There are two totally different type of projects going on in here. Thats a bit overwhelming.

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Post by stereopathetic_banjo » Wed Jun 14, 2006 1:18 pm

yeah- sorry for the overlapping confusion. i origionally posted cause i was curious how others might approach a heavy project, since it's not really my default genre. didn't mean to ramble on!

the bassist plays thru an ampeg of some sort, which i plan to mic, as well as send a DI via a sansamp bassdriver. the 2 times i saw them live he was using a metal zone pedal, which sounded insane, but we'll see how it goes in the studio. thanks again for comments!

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Post by ChrisCo » Thu Jun 15, 2006 8:54 am

Wow. I'd imagine that sounds pretty scooped!!! Now I'm ReAAAALLy interested in what this is gonna sound like. Post up some samples when you're done, man! (The both of you, actually)
I'm all about a little kick and snare

Ethan Holdtrue
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Post by Ethan Holdtrue » Thu Jun 15, 2006 11:50 am

The symetrix 202 is a 2 channel pre that I guess was big in brodcasting in the 90's. they don't make them any more, but there kinda bright and punchy compared to other things. not a night and day difference by any means, in fact I don't even think the chandler germ makes a night and day diff/ but they are both nice little pre's... even though the germ is not very little :P

Secondly 'Elf-Metal' is basicly REALY epic metal that is played by godlike guitar heros and often tells stories about 'warriors' (of metal) fighting for good and freedom. To see how much Elf-Metal rules for your self check out:

I'll post some sampels of the new These Are: CD as we progress. I'll probably start tracking next week. if any one has anymore ideas feel free to fire them at me :]

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Post by css » Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:45 pm

a metal zone in the studio can be pretty nice (i would never use'em live though haha) but on a project i did we ran one through a ibanez toneblaster practice amp, isolated it w/ a 57 angled at the cone and get really suprisingly good tone. kinda really saturated chuggy tone. perfect for metalcore.

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Post by evilaudio » Fri Jun 16, 2006 3:01 pm

I don't have a lot of time right now to go into details, but I do mainly metal, hardcore, punk, death metal, black metal, etc.... at my place. (yeah, I know! myspace sucks!)

It's really nice to see some interest in this stuff! I got kinda burnt on the board for a while!

I'll report back with some stuff I've tried over the years and have had success with.

I love everything from Manowar to Bestial Warlust to Bj?rk to Skinny Puppy and everything in between. I mainly do Black and Death metal myself, though... Drummer, guitar player, bass player, vocalist (metal style), and can fake the rest if needed... I love AE'ing, and do that more than play anymore... trying to get a rep going... Oh, and a buddy from "The Dream is Dead" and I are currently working on an old school (ala early Dismember) Death Metal project that's turing out nicely!! I got that "buzzsaw" tone going on the guitars, big time! vox and orange amps used.
gotta go...
-Out for now

Ethan Holdtrue
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Post by Ethan Holdtrue » Sat Jun 17, 2006 7:21 pm

Warriors of metal unite!! :]

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Post by Spark » Sat Jun 17, 2006 8:51 pm


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Post by Snarky » Sat Jun 17, 2006 8:57 pm

Me love metal. Me make snarky crazy mix you love here-

Long live metal brotherhood
I loves to mixin me some metal
I did monitors recently for Overkill, Exodus, and Yngwie Malmsteen, it was full-circle, man, seriously, gushkin.

"this rizz in the foldback is bollocks mate."

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Brett Siler
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Post by Brett Siler » Sat Jun 17, 2006 9:15 pm

I would not discredit a lot of what people talk about on here. Especially things like phase. If your guitars or drums are out of phase there is no way that they are gonna sound heavy. That is sooo much more important than a plug in of any sort.

Anyway I record a lot of punk and hardcore stuff and here are some things that have worked for me.

Drums I usually mic up like your standard modern rock kick. I like two mics on the kick. Snare top and bottom. I personally like some space on my drum. I had the fortune of doing an album call The Redemption Song that just got signed to Facedown Records and we recorded the drums in a church (instead of the usual smaller dead space that I have). Here is a clip of the drums in the church (no compression, reverb, or eq used in the clip).

That recording had more space then most modern hardcore albums have.
Usually the close mics get turned up pretty loud and kept pretty dry though. The kick usually gets lots of EQ scooping the low mids and boosting the low end and high mids. One thing is to make sure that the kick stays loud in the mix! I would say as loud as the vocals.

Guitars your 57's will work out great because they have a big spike in the 5khz range which is metal dudes talk about as being that "bite" in there tone they like. What I like to do is for each guitarist is have I will double mic the amp. Then make them come back later and play all the guitar tracks again with a different amp or guitar or mics and get it nice and thick.

Bass I like to mix a DI with miced amp. Not totally necessary but I like it. Maybe a little overdrive on the amp.

Vocals lots of people like dynamics on more screaming stuff. I have used condensors for screaming and it has worked out fine. If you are going for a Converge type sound run the mic through an overdrive or reamp the vocals and overdrive them.

Gang vocals, almost every fucking hardcore band does them and they always want them huge, so they call over like 20 of there friends so they call all scream at once. That definiatly not the most effiecient way to approach it on many different levels. What has worked best for me is to just get the core band members (4 or 5 people) put up and omni and have them scream the gang vocal part. Then have them spead out more and do it again, and the spread again and scream and then again and scream. That will sound like there are 20 people yelling the gang vocal part and it will actually be decipherable. Also if they want it tough sounding, make them scream in a low voice than they normally do it. It will sound ackward if one person does it on there own but once it is in the mix with all the other gang vocal overdubs it will sound like there are about 20 angry meatheads about to kick your ass, which will make the band happy.

Now for the sludge band thats whole other topic on its own....

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Post by Kevin Kitchel » Mon Jun 19, 2006 6:50 pm

evilaudio wrote:I don't have a lot of time right now to go into details, but I do mainly metal, hardcore, punk, death metal, black metal, etc.... at my place. (yeah, I know! myspace sucks!)

It's really nice to see some interest in this stuff! I got kinda burnt on the board for a while!

I'll report back with some stuff I've tried over the years and have had success with.

I love everything from Manowar to Bestial Warlust to Bj?rk to Skinny Puppy and everything in between. I mainly do Black and Death metal myself, though... Drummer, guitar player, bass player, vocalist (metal style), and can fake the rest if needed... I love AE'ing, and do that more than play anymore... trying to get a rep going... Oh, and a buddy from "The Dream is Dead" and I are currently working on an old school (ala early Dismember) Death Metal project that's turing out nicely!! I got that "buzzsaw" tone going on the guitars, big time! vox and orange amps used.
gotta go...
-Out for now

The Dream Is Dead is so fucking awesome! So pissed!

And FOG was pretty cool too.

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