Taking the plunge from an analog to digital mixer?

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Post by calaverasgrandes » Sat Aug 04, 2007 1:16 am

hey I am about whatever works. For myself (and I think the original poster) there are budget constraints. I am totally open minded about it. If I can get more processing done with a digital desk that is cost effective I am doing it ASAP. I mean, a little while ago I only used the DAW as a tape deck. I did all my mixing on my mixers. Then I realized I was artificially restricting myself. I also realized that the convolution verb in the box sounded 10 times better than my Quadraverb II or LXP5!
??????? wrote: "everything sounds best right before it blows up."

Sean Shannon
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Post by Sean Shannon » Sat Aug 04, 2007 1:31 am

Convolution reverbs do sound good, as do soft synths and pre-recorded loops. No one says you have to "not" use those tools when using a console.

You are 100% right, whatever works for you, works for you. I feel that if someone wants a console, and a sub-$1,000 console is in their budget, then the DA7 will do nicely.

I don't personally feel artificially restricted mixing on a console, au contraire, mon frere. The "in the box" mixing leaves me, well, moused. Try bringing up the vocal delay while simultaneaously bringing down the lead vocal channel with a mouse. By feel. Uhhhh....

OK, automation does that very well, and a controller may be your solution, but it's different. With a console, the outboard gear reacts to your moves, and it has character, if that's what you seek. Again, to each his own.
Check your mix in mono.

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Post by pineyb » Sat Aug 04, 2007 1:31 pm

I just did a quick check of the 'Bay.... some DA7s have sold for as little as $499.00 recently. One had 3 lightpipe cards in it. I bought mine loaded with cards, meter bridge, etc in about 2001 or so. I had roughly $5K in it. So after 6 years it is worth 10% of original cost. I am sure that other digital mixers from the same era have fared equally. That is another reason to carefully consider the move if you are on a tight budget. If you don't like it, you will lose money getting out.

So going for a second hand digital mixer is probably a good idea. Keep the Soundtracs, buy a cheap used digital, and see what happens... sell the one you don't want to keep. Or sell 'em both and get a current, up to date digital.

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Post by mphonic » Sat Aug 04, 2007 3:30 pm

i'd like to quickly chime in and recommend metric halo's mobile i/o audio interfaces. great converters at a good price, decent preamps on the 2882, great preamps on the uln-2, lots of routing possibilities for aux sends, headphone mixes or whatever, control surface support, and the +dsp models have great compressors and eqs (digital, of course). mac only.

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