Topaz / Firepod gain problem?

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Topaz / Firepod gain problem?

Post by b3groover » Sun Mar 09, 2008 5:24 pm

So I'm gearing up to record my trio's next record. I've got a good drum sound going, nice mics, decent preamps, and I quite happy with the sounds I'm getting. There is one nagging issue, however.

My main setup consists of two Presonus Firepods, the 1/4" inputs of which are fed by the TAPE OUTs of a 32-8 Soundtracs Topaz. I have the inputs of the Firepods set so they do not add or subtract any gain.

Here is the issue: I am monitoring from Cubase through the main stereo outputs of Firepod #1, which are in turn connected to the TAPE A stereo return inputs of the Topaz, and then the Topaz main outputs are connected to a a pair of Mackie HR824 monitors. Sometimes I get signals that distort through my monitors (Mackie HR824) and the Topaz headphone output. If I listen directly to the Presonus headphone output, there is no distortion.

Now, the Presonus outputs can be very hot, but I only have the main output knob up to about 3 o'clock. Even when I turn it down to the halfway mark, the distortion is still there. And it is only on certain signals, especially those with high transient content.

Should I change the way I'm monitoring and hook my Mackies up directly to the Presonus? I like having the Topaz inline to act as a level control, but this distortion thing is a re-occuring problem.

I'm starting to think that perhaps the master/monitor bus on the Topaz has something wrong with it.

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Post by eh91311 » Sun Mar 09, 2008 7:37 pm

Is your Topaz set up for +4 on the tape A ins/outs? The Firepod's output level tends to be hot. Check your manual or go to the topaz group, the pages referencing output level and changeover is posted there.

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Post by drumsound » Thu Mar 13, 2008 8:58 am

maybe lower the computer output so it doesn't hit the DAC as hard.

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Post by nipsy » Thu Mar 13, 2008 7:34 pm

eh91311 wrote:Is your Topaz set up for +4 on the tape A ins/outs? The Firepod's output level tends to be hot. Check your manual or go to the topaz group, the pages referencing output level and changeover is posted there.

try a line/level shifter.....
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Post by b3groover » Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:39 am

Well, I feel dumb. Turned out to be an actual VST plug-in that was distorting. Amazingly enough, HalionOne, which comes with Cubase 4, distorts on certain sounds if you play it with enough velocity. Seems completely stupid to me, but hey... what do I know?

Thanks for the replies. Now I just need to figure out how to minimize hi-hat bleed into my Leslie mics and I'll be all set! :)
organissimo - Dedicated (new CD)
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