Rewire - Pro Tools Routing. What am I missing?

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Rewire - Pro Tools Routing. What am I missing?

Post by poopdealer » Fri Aug 08, 2008 7:50 am

I have MIDI tracked in Pro Tools and I am sending it to Reason Adapted and returning it via Rewire to a new, armed audio track in PT. For some reason I am getting sync problems, it sounds like the returning (samples from Reason) audio is about 3 seconds behind.

What am I missing?

Here's the setup:
PowerMac G5 Dual 1.8
2.5G RAM
PTLE 7.3
Reason Adapted (3, I think)
Frigg off, Ricky.

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Post by Rodgre » Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:44 am

Two questions:

1) What buffer size/playback engine settings are you running? If too large, you will hear a lot of latency with recording MIDI stuff.

2) This may sound counter-intuitive, but try creating a new stereo AUX track on which you insert your Reason rewire input plug-in. Then route the audio output of that Aux track to a stereo bus. Create a new stereo AUDIO track and select the bus you're sending the Reason Aux to as the input and record-enable that track.

It might not solve the latency issue, but that's typically how I bounce Reason tracks. I align them after the fact if I need to.


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