fuck this mbox2

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Nick Sevilla
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Post by Nick Sevilla » Sat Dec 26, 2009 6:08 pm

On another note, not related to the mbox 2....

I did design and build the wooden console and equipment furniture, so that the sound emanating from the speakers above the mixer do not hit the mixer surface like in a classical studio setup, where the speakers are directly on top of the mixer, and cause significant phase issues.

By adding about 6-8" of vertical height between the speakers and the mixer while still maintaining the speakers at head level, I can get a better representation of the sound waves emanating from the speakers. The waves emanate circularly from the speaker without having obstructions at any angle before hitting my ears, giving me a more direct path from speaker to ear, and therefore a more accurate picture of the sound image.

If you can imagine the sound irradiating from the speaker it flows out and fills the space in front of it. If you don't have any obstructions to deflect the sound waves, then you get no distortions or phasing issues.

Howling at the neighbors. Hoping they have more mic cables.

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Post by Brian » Sat Dec 26, 2009 9:29 pm

Man, the more I read of you the more I like you.
Happy New Year!

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Nick Sevilla
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Post by Nick Sevilla » Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:26 am

Brian wrote:Man, the more I read of you the more I like you.
Happy New Year!

I do try to keep my posts informative instead of insulting.

And I too have mixed (only one show) at The Bottom Line, the year before they closed.

Have they re-opened? It was a cool place to work.

Love the ambience of the place.

Cheers, and Happy New Year to you too!!!
Howling at the neighbors. Hoping they have more mic cables.

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Post by Brian » Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:32 am

noeqplease wrote:
Brian wrote:Man, the more I read of you the more I like you.
Happy New Year!

I do try to keep my posts informative instead of insulting.

And I too have mixed (only one show) at The Bottom Line, the year before they closed.

Have they re-opened? It was a cool place to work.

Love the ambience of the place.

Cheers, and Happy New Year to you too!!!
I talked to Allen about two years ago, and he said he was still looking for a place, but, it would need to be a "sweetheart deal" on the real estate, he doesn't realize he can own the space, (maybe not in NYC), but, in LA or somewhere else, it's very possible.
I had a deal for him in Memphis, but, it wasn't enough.
I'd be willing to help get one together in LA and work it. There is a sort of brotherhood of people who've worked there, we spread out all over the place, and when one hears that another is around, however that happens, there are passes that show up and we get to drink a beer together, swap bizarre funny stories, hook each other up with work, etc. I've done it a few times. Hooked people up and been hooked up by others that preceded me. I'm sure some would come out of the woodwork and pitch in. Be a good way to pass it on.

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Post by fucdemas » Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:20 pm

op here:

never got any of the emails from the board telling me of responses.

anyway, thanks for the info fellas.

i like that the discussion did end up somewhere else.

i still haven't found another interface i'd like. but i haven't looked all that hard either.

i think i just might troll criagslost for a usb 8in.out that's below market value and go from there.

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Post by kingmetal » Fri Jan 29, 2010 10:05 pm

Are you stuck with USB? A lot of interfaces are firewire these days.

I'm about to take shipment of a Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 that I got apeshit excited about (http://messageboard.tapeop.com/viewtopic.php?t=69248).

I got mine for $300 slightly used off eBay, which was a steal -- but I've seen them new on eBay for about $400 pretty consistently.

If that's too rich for your blood, the Pro 24 goes for about $300 new and the Saffire 6 is USB and $200

All interfaces above are firewire except the Saffire 6. I've also never heard or used any of them, but the feature set of the 'Saffire Pro' series is hard to beat for the price and my experience with Focusrite support has been top notch.

Other than that, a lot of people like Echo (for good reason) and it would be hard to go wrong with anything in that range.

And I like MOTU but it's harder to reccommend them these days for PC users, and to tell you the truth it looks like the Saffire Pro series is blowing them out of the water in terms of the price/performance ratio.

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