Pitfalls to importing PTs 8 sessions into PTs 10?

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Pitfalls to importing PTs 8 sessions into PTs 10?

Post by wedge » Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:00 am

I just upgraded from 8 to 10, but I'm wondering if I'm gunna have to change my mixes much. I'm only using the built-in PTs plugs in 8 to mix, so no worries there. Are those plugs still in PTs 10? Will I have to remix with the new channel strip, for instance? I guess it doesn't matter now because I've pulled the trigger, but was just curious. Still waiting on my iLok to arrive so I can install 10...

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Post by fossiltooth » Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:17 am

The included Pro Tools plugins have rarely disappeared with any new release. I have Pro Tools 10 and I can still pull up their early delays and stuff like that.

I think the earliest EQs from about a decade ago have finally been phased out, but I wouldn't be surprised if can still pull up sessions that use them. (I'd have to ask to be sure though.)

EQ3 and Dynamics3 and Mod Delay II -- even D-Verb and a lot of that other super-old stuff -- is still there. They get that their users are professionals and need to pull up archival sessions from time to time.

A few of the older Avid-owned add-on plugins haven't ported over -- like Joe Meek and Voce and maybe a couple others -- but most of them have: Tel-Ray, Bomb Factory Classic Compressors and Fairchild. All that stuff is available for 10 too.

Most reputable 3rd party designers have already coded for 10, and in some cases, AAX as well. Hasn't been too tricky of a transition for me, and I upgraded from 7 on my home rig.

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Post by wedge » Wed Jun 27, 2012 12:22 am

That's really good to hear. I'm in the middle of mixing a CD and it's going well. It'd suck to have to remix all the tunes. Guess I won't have to. Thanks!

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Post by fossiltooth » Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:01 pm


Before you do -- I have to say that upgrading in the middle of a mix without a return path is probably something I wouldn't recommend. (Even if it has been a fairly seamless transition for me)

Assuming you have clients and deadlines, at the very least, install your OS and the new version of PT on a secondary hard drive and start up from that. Once you're sure it's working great for you, then install on your main system drive.

I did that when upgrading from 5 to 6 and 6 to 7. Highly recommended. I only skipped that step when upgrading to 10 because I wasn't smack in the middle of a project on the home rig.

If you're not the cautious type or don't have clients counting on you, then that's a different story. Do whatever motivates you!

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