Son, it's time we talked about Leslies.

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alex matson
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Son, it's time we talked about Leslies.

Post by alex matson » Sun Oct 14, 2007 5:46 pm

So I've got my Hammond and I'm hurtin' for a Leslie.
I was all set to jump in my van and drive to vancouver BC (600 miles round trip) to pick up an M3 and a 147 for $1000...but it sold before my day off happened.
Yesterday a Leslie 25 came and went like smoke on craigslist for $150 while I spent the day making $100 at work.
BUT! Now I have found a store that has a 25, a 45 and a 147RV for $400, $840 and $850 respectively. I just got back from checking them out. Unfortunately something was wrong with the sound of the organ or there was a bad cable...or I don't know what I'm doing hooking them up. It's a little disconcerting plugging these things in with old frayed cables and all that voltage. So I'm going to go back when the owner is in to help. I was getting serious crackling and hum from all of them so I hope it's the organ they had.
I'm curious as to why a 45 would fetch as much as a 147. After all, it's only got one speed. On the other hand, the size sure is nice, and I could always add a two speed kit for about $250 and labor. Of course I'll get the 147...but I just wanted to hear from some Leslie owners.
It's killing me that I traded a pristine B3 and 122 (that I bought from the original owner for $1300)for a Yamaha CP80 that I probably could have gotten for $500 had I been hip to the internet back in 1999. Ah well..never again.

If you've made it this amusing story. My sister loaned me the cash for that B3 back in 1996. A year later I was visiting her in Phoenix. She was married to an architect who had done the interior for a posh new supper club that his friend owned. They took me there for drinks to see the place. There was a jazz quartet that was sort of the house band at the time. The bandleader was a jazz organist named Royce Murray. One of those cats that can just play the shit out of the hammond...drawbars, pedals, swell pedal, the works. He had an amazing band as well, all these dudes that probably could have played with Miles. Drums, guitar and sax - Royce was covering the bass of course. My sister turns to me and says, "You should sit in with those guys!" I'm look at her and say, "Are you nuts?" These guys are serious jazz players!" She starts to pout - she had told the club owner about her little brother who was now playing in a marginally well known band, she had bought me a Hammond, and dammit, she wanted to show me off to her friends. She wouldn't take no for an answer, and I started thinking about some jazz tunes I had played that the band might know. I thought of a few that might work and reluctantly said okay. She perked right up and told the owner that he should let me sit in. He talks to the band, I see Royce look in my direction and give me a smile.
The owner comes back and says I can play after the next tune. Then the band proceeds to tear up God Bless the Child. i swear I'd never heard a Hammond sound so good. I mean the guy was just smoking...all these roaring Absus11#5b13 chords (heh). I was just sitting there with a sinking feeling. Then they finish up to uproarious applause from the 50 or so members of the audience and Royce tells the crowd that they are about to be treated to a special guest in a national act and brings up the white boy. I ask the band if they know Riviera Paradise. Three blank looks. Ditto for all my other suggestions. With the clock ticking, we decide on - I shit you not -Girl from Ipanema, then When A Man Loves A Woman, which i hoped to at least play well enough to not completely embarrass myself. I go over to Royce and thank him. The band plays the intro, I put my hands on both manuals, and....nothing. Not a peep. The tune sputters to a stop. My face is burning and my mind is a total blank. Turns out it's standard practice when turning over one's Hammond to hit the extreme left preset key to 'clear the decks', as real players will want their own sound...I had liked what i had been hearing so much I didn't want to touch a thing.
I grab some drawbars, we start again, and the organ sounds like elevator music. Like going from Jimi to Tiny Tim. Somehow I get through the tune and to polite applause, the band goes into WAMLAW. Now get this: the chords on that tune are C, G, Am, Em. F, G, C, right? I start playing C, Am, F, G, you know, Heart and Soul.
I'm playing the melody, the pedals, and accompanying chords which are completely against what the other guys are playing. I swear to god my mind was like a wild bird trapped in the house. I realize something's wrong but can't figure out what. Just then the drummer, an Art Blakey lookin dude, from behind his sunglasses drawls audibly, "This is Bulllllshit!'
They cut the tune and I slink off after Royce is gracious enough to come up and shake my hand.
Fuck. Thanks sis.
Let me tell you. Being able to play reggae and Pink Floyd tunes with a rock band does not a Hammond player make. Even now as i write this the utter humiliation of that event is etched in my mind. The only thing that made it worth it was the laughs I've had with other people retelling that story. More than one of the bands I've played with since then have adopted the catchphrase "This is Bulllllshit!" It always cracks us up. :lol: :oops:

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Post by apropos of nothing » Sun Oct 14, 2007 7:20 pm

Oh my god. I've had that nightmare. I hope never to live through it. Thanks for relaying it though.

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Post by SoulOfJonas » Sun Oct 14, 2007 8:18 pm

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! thanks for sharing that. that was the hardest i've laughed while reading something in a long time. wow, i would've had to crawl under a rock after something like that.

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Post by b3groover » Sun Oct 14, 2007 11:23 pm

Wow man. That is harsh.

I just got done with a organ / drums duo gig. Nobody came out but we had a blast. You're right; playing Hammond and playing Hammond are two different things!

If you need any help with the 147RV (tube suggestions, replacement horn driver suggestions (and it will probably need replaced, I can almost guarantee)) shoot me a PM or post here. Good luck!
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Post by b3groover » Sun Oct 14, 2007 11:42 pm

I got sidetracked by your story and forgot to post about the Leslies. Definitely get the 147RV. The crackling might be bad cables and/or bad connections. Does your organ have a Leslie output? If so, do you know what style of Leslie it is for?

I know this is obvious, but you'll need a 147 style 6pin output on your organ to use the Leslie. Just because it is 6pin doesn't mean it will work. The pin outs for 122 style Leslies and 147 style Leslies is different and if you mix the two, you'll be sorry! You probably already know that.

$850 is not a terrible price, but you might be able to talk him down a bit. The 45 is not worth $840. More like $500 at the max.
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Post by emrr » Sun Oct 14, 2007 11:44 pm

That is truly a classic gig of terror story. a walk on the coals. a root canal in a war zone with only moonshine to dull the pain.

I spent the night with a circular saw gleefully cutting down my old dead Gulbransen B-2 organ, so it is now just the single speed Leslie with the amp. That will go with my new Hammond M-102, which I added a direct out to tonight. I'm NOT a Hammond player at all, not even a pianist. Just a plank bass player, but damn it sure is fun to play. I'll have to start looking for a deal on a nearby proper Leslie.
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Post by alex matson » Sun Oct 14, 2007 11:55 pm

b3groover wrote: I know this is obvious, but you'll need a 147 style 6pin output on your organ to use the Leslie. Just because it is 6pin doesn't mean it will work. The pin outs for 122 style Leslies and 147 style Leslies is different and if you mix the two, you'll be sorry! You probably already know that..
Thanks...yeah, thanks to the guy that fixed up and sold me this L103, I know to avoid the's a 6W connection I need, not a 6H. So the 147 it is.
And that $150 Leslie 25 didn't sell yet. But it has no amp, just a speaker and baffle. He used it with an M3.
I'm going back tomorrow and I'll probably get it sorted out.
Stay tuned for the micing a leslie thread! :D

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Post by alex matson » Mon Oct 15, 2007 12:16 am

apropos of nothing wrote:Oh my god. I've had that nightmare. I hope never to live through it. Thanks for relaying it though.
The worst problems I've ever had have all been around some heavy hitters. Opening up for Ziggy Marley at Harbor lights in Boston, my Kurzweil's pitch ribbon freaked out and stuck on the highest, loudest note I've ever heard. Shutting off the keyboard made me lose all the samples i had loaded as well as a Liquid Grooves drum loop I needed for the next tune. The next year, the first night on tour with Bruce Hornsby, playing at the Portland Theatre in Maine, the same keyboard developed a problem in the middle of a solo piano song which made it seem as if someone was standing beside me randomly moving the pitch wheel as I played. Bruce was standing about fifteen feet behind me offstage with his arms folded. No pressure.

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Post by inverseroom » Mon Oct 15, 2007 4:52 am

Oh God...that story is beyond awful...this is why I just hide in my house recording little ditties for my own amusement...

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Post by mikeyc » Mon Oct 15, 2007 5:42 am

Yikes! Stories like that make me glad I'm not a keyboard player!

I was just in Portland a few weeks ago and went into a junk store that had about 8 different Leslies in the back room. It was like a graveyard. It may be the same place your talking about--
I have no clue what models or what the guy was asking for them -- I wasn't about to take one on the plane home with me!

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Post by The Real MC » Mon Oct 15, 2007 10:04 am

I'm a Hammond player and can relate to that story very well. Any musician has to know when he is outclassed, especially when following up on a world class Hammond artist.

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Post by alex matson » Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:29 pm

mikeyc wrote:Yikes! Stories like that make me glad I'm not a keyboard player!

I was just in Portland a few weeks ago and went into a junk store that had about 8 different Leslies in the back room. It was like a graveyard. It may be the same place your talking about--
I have no clue what models or what the guy was asking for them -- I wasn't about to take one on the plane home with me!
Yep, that's the place. The store is called Really Good Stuff, and that's where I got my new 45/47!!! I brought my new friend along that knows his stuff. Turns out the tech he was going to suggest I bring whatever I bought to already recapped and went through the amp, plus modded it to be a 2-speed. $800. With the $350 that i paid for the organ, that's less than i paid last go-around...of course that one was a B3 and a 147. But this one might actually make it to some's half the weight!

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Post by RefD » Mon Oct 15, 2007 2:38 pm

?What need is there to weep over parts of life? The whole of it calls for tears.? -- Seneca

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Post by alex matson » Sat Dec 20, 2014 12:56 pm

what the heck. a little context for an old story...

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Post by Gregg Juke » Mon Dec 22, 2014 7:32 pm

Wow. I was going to offer you a contact or two for some Leslie info (I "know a guy who knows a guy"), but then I saw the original post was from 2007, so hopefully you've got it all figured out in the last 7-8 years...

As for the other stories, Wow. But, if there's an upside (there is) besides the laughs and cringes you get from re-tellings, part of it might be the knowledge that (as one older jazzer used to tell me) "Everyone has stepped on it* once or twice. Don't worry about it; it builds character."

* "It" being, you know, "it;" your own thing...

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