someone's using my band name!

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Post by seaneldon » Sun Dec 25, 2005 7:05 pm

i was thinking i'd start a new band and name it "The Harlem Globetrotters" or "Major League Baseball" just to see how long i could get away with it

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Post by hauser gabone » Sun Dec 25, 2005 10:53 pm

there was a hardcore band in philadelphia with the name of "Little League"......they actually had to stop using the name..
i'm sitting here in a moustache cause it needs to recharge

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Post by MD » Mon Dec 26, 2005 7:15 am

Wow cwileyriser, thanks for that bonanza of free informaiton.

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Post by rocky » Sat Dec 31, 2005 2:22 pm

i am monster face wrote:Yeah, that's happening to my band right now.

We have a cd out and all that stuff. Registered band name...the like...

We're a rock band, but more along the lines of Rilo Kiley. You know, non-offensive, indie rock that makes you think.

This rip off band came out with a cd and a song called "Girl, You Like Cock Too Much"

Wow, that's odd fielding questions from friends who have done searches on P2P sites to download our new song..."Girl...You Like Cock Too Much"


This is my first venture onto the tape op boards, and to hear about these guys!
My band played a show in Sheffield in November, and these guys were on the same bill. We didn't hang around to see them, as were were driving to a ferry, but they gave us a cd with said song on it, there were a couple of other choice songs & lyrics on there too.
That cd was promptly placed in the Irish Sea.

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Post by rocky » Sat Dec 31, 2005 3:05 pm

i am monster face wrote:Yeah, that's happening to my band right now.

We have a cd out and all that stuff. Registered band name...the like...

We're a rock band, but more along the lines of Rilo Kiley. You know, non-offensive, indie rock that makes you think.

This rip off band came out with a cd and a song called "Girl, You Like Cock Too Much"

Wow, that's odd fielding questions from friends who have done searches on P2P sites to download our new song..."Girl...You Like Cock Too Much"


This is my first venture onto the tape op boards, and to hear about these guys!
My band played a show in Sheffield in November, and these guys were on the same bill. We didn't hang around to see them, as were were driving to a ferry, but they gave us a cd with said song on it, there were a couple of other choice songs & lyrics on there too.
That cd was promptly placed in the Irish Sea.

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Post by Jeremy Garber » Sun Jan 01, 2006 10:15 am

My old band used two names that were already taken. First one was Noise R Us, second was Starfish. We played a ton of shows as Starfish. Local kids recognized our makeshift shirts (nothing like whiteout and a sharpie). The guitarist's sister told us about Noise..., and while the bassist and guitarist were shopping in a record shop, they found a Starfish CD. That was pretty funny. They were like, "We didn't realize we already had a CD out." Starfish was a band from Canada, and were actually really good (I have one album).

I've had people ask me if I am "Bright Eyes". In another forum, a friend had even posted he saw me on Leno. It was a real bummer when that guy got in the spotlight, as I had been using this name for several years. I have shirts with my logo/art on them, and random people will ask me if that's "Bright Eyes". I understand the confusion... but my shirt doesn't say "Bright Eyes". I suppose if that guy ever told me to stop using my name I would just find another, but I've used it for so long I'd hate to have to start over. After all, there are tons of similar named bands out there.

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Post by rocky » Tue Jan 03, 2006 4:47 pm

so good i had to say it twice i see...
i'm learnding...

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Post by ;ivlunsdystf » Tue Jan 03, 2006 4:51 pm

There is a band here in Minnesota called "The Hopefuls"; until recently they were the "Olympic Hopefuls" but a cease and desist letter from the Olympic committee quickly changed that - too bad for them...

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Post by thesimulacre » Mon Feb 06, 2006 11:37 pm

Here's a good one for ya. I record my friend Sean's band called "the Taliband" from time to time in my basement. Last year there was a controversy in Boulder where another "Taliband" was being attacked by school administration and PTA types for having "anti-Bush" and "extremist" lyrics. They were banned from playing the school dance and subsequently agreed to change their name. Nearly everyone I knew saw this on the local news more than once, and came to me for answers. "Is Sean into any terrorist stuff?" or "I saw your friends on TV again." This was an ideal situation because my friends have been trying to build a following and get gigs. Plus, it really doesn't hurt that they are a politically charged punk band.

Sorry to hear that duplicate names sucked for the rest of y'all, though. :roll:

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