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Post by pantone247 » Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:39 am

I'm running CakeWalk Metro 5 on my late 90's i-mac in Os9, just for home recording... I run a yamaha MG 10/12 into the 'sound in' and just pretend the L/R are two in's (kick drum mic left, snare mic right, record stereo, split regions...)

That's some lo-fi shit right there...

I think it's from 1997, I think... it has crashed only once, I've only once had a file go corrupt, but I managed to save it... it can handle 20+ tracks and a fair dose of VST plug ins (so long as a lot of them aren't reverbs... *ahem*). I have no reason to go looking for something else, figuring out how it works, crashing it a few times, having no accsess to my old projects, etc, etc, etc.... I wonder about getting a fire wire sound card, and would that improve my sound... but then I wonder would Metro 5 know what the heck a fire wire sound card is!

My only gripe is the file sizes are huge, it seems to keep aborted or deleted takes... a simple 3 minute song can get up 700mb no problem... but apart from that I love it, I'll use it on till it, or the computer dies... and then I'll be very bummed out, for a very long time...

Great thread, like out dated DAW users anon... be curious to hear from other folks in a similar boat to me.

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Post by moogplayer » Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:36 pm

Hah..this is a hot thread. I have a mac 8100 with 442 interface that I haven't turned on in like a year but will probably never let go. Sound Designer is still better than Peak

Having ventured into Pro Tools 7.0, I have decided to resurrect my 001 and trusty G4 and go back to OS9. I own lots of OS9 plugs and I really didn't see or hear the benefits of jumping up to the 002/OSX setup (although I really dig the 002).

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Post by nsputnik » Sat Feb 05, 2011 8:32 am

Sorry to dig up such an old thread but I still use Vision DSP and a beige PowerMac G3, OS9, MOTU2408 and Opcode Studio5LX.

I just got ProTools LE 8 for my MacBook Pro, but I doubt I will use it for my serious writing projects, just production work.

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Post by davidhoffmanmusic » Tue Feb 08, 2011 2:48 pm

No help here with parts, unfortunately, but I just wanted to throw in that I find myself getting a little misty-eyed when I think of my old DIGI 001. What a more cheerful system that was than the MBoxes.

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Post by studiodog » Thu Mar 03, 2011 1:17 pm

I still use ensoniq paris - works great and simple to use.... I have pro tools M but usally end up using Paris....
"...because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and gosh darnit, people like me!"

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