DVD Backups from Sonar

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earl parameter
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Post by earl parameter » Tue Feb 07, 2006 9:45 pm

wait a sec. so i have a tendency to talk about how things work without checking to see if it was changed during updates. and since this is a feature that i never use i didn't notice the new option check box that says slit clips. if its checked then it will actually cut up the track. this still does NOT actually cut up the original wav or free up space even if you select all of the cuts and right click and choose apply trimming. you would think it would though. one would guess this would be a destructive edit, but it does not actually create a bunch of smaller wavs. how it freed up resources for you is a mystery. maybe its because sonar knows it doesn't have to look for those sections [shrug]. wouldn't this only use up hard drive resources anyway?

but thanks for making me look though, because this just saved me an assload and time for future edits if used correctly. i guess ill explain. if one were to get a good gate running just to cover up the fact that your using something so sterile, and then apply the remove silence to a percussion track that is out of time or even a different tempo. then one could use the remove silence option and check the slip clips option and end up with an individual clip for every hit or close to it. then select every clip via dragging the mouse over it and then go up to quantize and set it to the desired note resolution and ONLY select start time ?nothing else or you?ll time stretch the audio? and you will have corrected any drum timing or tempo problems. in theory anyway. I still have to try it and make sure it works but?

i used to do this BY HAND for like 15 minute songs. holyshit. when you work with old gear, old prototype vsts or other apps, the timing engines aren't perfect and they stray [but nothing else will give you that sound]. so you have to go dig in and spend hours just cleaning this up. even reaktor doesn't match up. FUCK YES.

more time writing

oh and don't worry about creating another track for that. if it sucks just hit undo. don't believe me just clone a track and try it yourself

i have my history undo level at 128 so i can go off on crazy tangents to see what happens and if it sucks i just hold down ctrl-z for a minute or two

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Post by spankenstein » Tue Feb 07, 2006 9:57 pm

I never thoguht Sonar 3 was that bad! I went from PA9 to 3 to 4 then to Producer. I haven't gone up to 5 yet... haven't ran into any major need. Maybe I'll wait for 6.

Folder to bus would be awesome! I always organise like that anyway and being able to automatically have that happen would be awesome.

The only other feature I need is automatable bypass per effect. As in the effect doesn't have to export it's own bypass function to be able to do automation on it.

earl parameter
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Post by earl parameter » Tue Feb 07, 2006 10:19 pm

maybe it had something to do with the demo i tested, but it sounded like complete shit. squeezed, mushy, shit. with phased transients and cloudy highs. and i just opened a project from v2 that i knew well.

while we're listing i would like an adjustable wetness per effect that is outside of the effect. do you follow that? some effect don't have a wetness at all. the effects bin are really just inserts not aux?s. yes i know there are true aux?s but this is how i work, different effects on every channel. not just 6 or 7 to use on everything.

also i want better effects routing like logic has. were you can run that shit how ever you want.

oh and this one might sound odd but a second solo button. i get so many tracks soloed [sc ?] and want to hear something else truly soloed and have to undo them all just to redo it again afterwards. i know its lazy of me but come on. its been a dream of mine for years.

shit i hijacked didn't i. im stopping

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Post by mingus2112 » Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:37 am

crashsick wrote:shit i hijacked didn't i. im stopping
NO PROB! I do it all the time. . .to tie up the whole thing i just wanted to let you guys know that the backup seems to be going fine. Per project audio folders then dump to dvd with nero. I've been burning TWO dvds of the important projects. (i'm a packrat!)

Now that i'm typing this i'm thinking. . .i should have duplicates of everything and keep them somewhere else. I usually work with Kentothink. . .we both use sonar. . .so maybe we can each hold onto backup sets of eachothers' work? What do you think ken?


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Post by LeedyGuy » Wed Feb 08, 2006 9:07 am

okay. sure. thats a good idea. i'll hold a set of DVDs and you hold a set. i'll do the same with my stuff. a guy i know has his entire doctoral research and work backed up to some DVDs at his brothers house in chicago.
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Post by doctari » Thu Feb 09, 2006 5:23 pm

This may be a little off topic but our band is in this cd project where we've recorded the basic tracks at my place on PTLE, and the guitar player is adding overdubs at his place using Sonar. So far I just export the audio files onto a cd-r, he takes them, imorts them into his Sonar Rig and they work fine. He eports them back to me from his Sonar system as stereo .wav files. Is it possible to export from Sonar the tracks or regions as Mono files?I don't really need stereo snare or handclap files. The files would be smaller and take up less room on a CD-R. I know nothing about Sonar.

earl parameter
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Post by earl parameter » Fri Feb 10, 2006 1:18 am

yes its possible. just have him choose file - export and then choose mono out of the options there. depending on how he recorded them though, there could be phase issues inside the tracks after monoing them that would be permanent. so keep an eye [or ear] out. and have him/her keep backups of their work just in case. but id rather have them stereo. especially if they are true stereo.

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Post by river » Sat Feb 11, 2006 9:23 am

crashsick wrote:
Consolidate Audio" if I remember right just makes one big hard to store .wav file? i use it once and had that one huge file corrupt on me and then i had to cut it up the pieces manually and put the song back together. real pain the ass
Shouldn't do that. For me it just finds all the individual wave files that might be scattered amongst several different folders and copies them to a single backup folder, but they're all still unique, discrete files. that sounds like a bundle file to me (which I've never gone near).
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Post by LeedyGuy » Mon Feb 20, 2006 10:49 am


I started this
changed it to per project audio folders
did Save As... with a bunch of project files
watched while it copied everything to the new Audio folder

heres the thing
i decided to try one of the ones i already did and did Save As... again on it. It copied everything ALL OVER AGAIN without my changing anything. so...why is that? shouldnt it just find the files and figure that they werent altered and find no need to resave everything?
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earl parameter
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Post by earl parameter » Mon Feb 20, 2006 4:10 pm

"shouldnt it just find the files and figure that they werent altered and find no need to resave everything?"

that would be nice but no. its not that smart. but before i go off on a number of possibilities could you explain in a little more in depth what you did with that particular set of folders for this song?

if its what i think it is you just have to take the contents of the new folder that it created and drag it all back into the right places in the folders you made just the one time per song. but it will never happen again. but i might be wrong.

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