mixing OTB w/ a macbook pro instead of a mac pro

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mixing OTB w/ a macbook pro instead of a mac pro

Post by Loopchoir » Sat Dec 01, 2007 5:14 pm

I'm about to invest in a decent set up where I'll be able to mix otb w/ pro tools. Can someone ease my mind and tell me - does the macbook pro have enough firepower to mix 32 tracks (LE version) WITH plug-ins? How much more plug ins on average would a mac pro be able to do over a macbook pro? I'm curious because the macbook pro with a 2.4 processor / 4 gigs of ram seems pretty powerful and I'm wondering how much more I would need, considering if I'm mixing otb all eq will be taken care of.

Any thoughts? Thanks all.

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Post by rwc » Sat Dec 01, 2007 6:28 pm

I'm confused as to where you'll get enough outputs to do that with LE.
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Post by bantam » Sun Dec 02, 2007 10:16 am

I went a step belo that...I have the white mac book... same max memory and cpu for a grand less. works fine with 24 tracks and plugs

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Post by Loopchoir » Mon Dec 03, 2007 8:07 am

I'll only be able to mix 18 tracks OTB from LE (8 from the 002, 8 from a connected adat and 2 through the sdif) out of the 32, that is true. And yes I do see the macbook and the macbook pro have similar specs... I wish someone would do a chart literally showing the amount of plugs that would run comfortably on at least 18 tracks on both computers. I was gonna get Waves Gold and use it with Pro Tools on a macbook pro. Does anyone one else do that? Any opinions?

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Post by bantam » Mon Dec 03, 2007 8:19 am

only thing ive seen as an indication of bandwidth is the logic demo that comes with logic has about 30 tracks with 2 or 3 plugs per track but...thats logic.

runs fine on my macbook.

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Post by Silverlode » Mon Dec 03, 2007 8:36 am

One thing to keep in mind is that the MBP has a dedicated graphics processor and while we're not working with HD video or anything, on a MacBook the main CPU has to give up some power and memory to the graphics.

Also, the MBP has 2 second FW port in the form of FW800. Not really much of an issue of you are using a Digi LE interface.

You also get a larger screen.

I have the Core Duo 2.0 MacBook and I find it lacking for usage as a DAW. I'm looking to get a Core 2 Duo or better laptop after the first of the year, and will probably go for a MBP.
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Post by bantam » Mon Dec 03, 2007 9:41 am

curious as to what you think its lacking in? I just bought a mac book for use as my logic daw and it seems to have loads of processor headroom and i can go to 4 gigs of ram... i plan to use an external display when set up at my console so the extra 2 inches isn't an issue for me either? trying to justify the extra thousand dollars? :shock:

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Post by getreel » Mon Dec 03, 2007 9:57 am

I thought the Mac Book would only go to 2 GB RAM!? I have the white Mac Book and it seems like the specs say it only goes to 2.

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Post by Jeff White » Mon Dec 03, 2007 10:04 am

Well, both computers are faster than my 1.8 Dual G5, and I can easily get 50+ tracks with tons of plug-ins and multiple IR-1 reverbs on aux sends. The questions these days isn't track counts or plug-in counts, but which buffer size you can get these counts and the latency that occurs at low buffer settings. My work around has always been to submix into a new session with no plugs for overdubs and record at 128 or 256 (even on my Powerbook G4 for remote sessions), or rely on MOTU's CueMix for latency free recording at 512 or 1024. And I always mix at 1024. But I also mix in the box.

I personally think that any modern Mac will work and you will find easy work arounds. In the next few years all of this should be a non-issue. Not sure about the Mac Pros at a 128 or 64 buffer setting either. Someone else can chime in.

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Post by Loopchoir » Mon Dec 03, 2007 11:10 am

Thanks for all your responses. The bottum line is it looks as if the mac pro won't really do much more for an LE user than a macbook pro. If you go HD then yeah you have cards installed in the tower and is a far better platform but as far as LE is concerned, more specifically LE with a 002, it doesn't seem like a tower can do more than a macbook pro (or possibly even macbook) when you're working with the constraints that LE already has (max 32 tracks simultaneously etc.)

Would you guys generally agree with that?

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Post by palinilap » Mon Dec 03, 2007 6:34 pm

I'm sure you've got it covered, but just make sure you run sessions off an external hard drive. The 5400 RPM drive in the MacBook Pro is about the only thing that might give you problems. If you're mixing OTB and not relying on plug-ins CPU won't be an issue.

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Post by bannerj » Mon Dec 03, 2007 7:34 pm

Plenty of power in the macbook pro. The question is just how many softsynths (if any) and how many plug ins? I started mixing on an ibook G4, but that was with earlier versions of both DP and Reason and I didn't have a ton of plugs then. Now with more power there are always going to be software developers that will use all that power. Right now you should be fine. I guess if everything is really going OTB then you won't be worrying about many plugs anyway.

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