Favorite Cymbals to Record

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Favorite Cymbals to Record

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Favorite Cymbals to Record

Post by Patrick McAnulty » Sat Dec 12, 2009 6:34 pm

Hey guys, long-time drummer and recording engineer student here. I was wondering what you all consider to be your favorite cymbals for recording. I've been using Zildjians ever since my first drum set (early middle school) and haven't really had much chance to record any other types of cymbals.

What are you favorite cymbals to record, and feel free to share what you look for in the cymbals you record.

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Post by jgimbel » Sat Dec 12, 2009 7:35 pm

I love big crashes. For some reason I rarely like small/medium crashes, they just end up being too high-pitched. I've got 2 18" crashes, and I'd love a few more. Those crashes are ones I love regardless of what else is used, but hihats and rides vary for me. I started with a Sabian B8 ride that I thought wasn't too great. I sold that and got an A Custom ride, and I wish I still had the other just for a mix of flavor. The B8 had great stick definition so it didn't turn to just a wash in the mix. The A Custom risks that. I had B8 Pro hihats when I started, sold them and got Z Custom mastersounds. The Zs are definitely better but have a similar character to them, very heavy and chunky. I play my cymbals a good bit lighter when I'm recording, but even playing really light the Zs stick out. I'm thinking of looking at a pair of A Custom hihats that are the ones I didn't buy when I was trying to decide on hats. Sometimes it's nice to have something with a little less definition, something that'll recede in the mix a bit.

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Post by xhavepatiencex » Sat Dec 12, 2009 8:27 pm

I would check out the saluda cymbals, great prices and I really think they sound awesome. I have drummers ask me all the time about my saludas, they can pretty much make whatever you want.

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Post by cgarges » Sat Dec 12, 2009 8:51 pm

With the exception of the entire Sabian B8 family and the early Zildjian Scimitars, I don't think there is such thing as an unusable cymbal. I happen to love most of what Paiste has done, but I have excellent cymbals made by Zildjian, K. Zildjian (the original company, which was not technically the same company as Zildjian USA), Sabian, Wuhan, UFIP, Kent, Meinl, Camber, Avanti, SDHC, as well as a few mystery cymbals. They all have a place and while certain ones pair better with certain others (while creating, a "family" of sorts), I truly believe that they all have their place. Except for those wretched Sabian B8s.

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Post by woodhenge » Sat Dec 12, 2009 11:16 pm

I always tend to perk up when a drummer comes in with Paiste Signatures or 2002's... Those always seem to put a smile on my face when when I hear them through the overheads, and I think to myself, "This is probably gonna be a pretty good day."

I really dig the Zildjian Armands and K's, too... but it totally depends on the player.

I haven't heard any for quite a while, but those UFIP cymbals are pretty bad-ass if memory serves.

If I see B8's, I'll gently suggest they use some of our house brass. I'm convinced those B8 hi-hats were Sabian's experiment to see if they could get excessive hi-hat bleed in every mic in the room! :twisted:

Also, those Zildjian ZBT's are pretty wretched. And the ZXT Titaniums. And then you have those cheap-o Staggs... run away! run away!
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Post by Jitters » Sun Dec 13, 2009 12:21 am

Mostly I feel like it depends on who's hitting them, but on the other hand I have a pair of "14 Paiste Twenty high hats that I swear must have been forged by elves.

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Post by roscoenyc » Sun Dec 13, 2009 10:39 am

I'll just say Large.

Small cymbals sound like cocaine to me.
Big ones sound more like pot.

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Post by drumsound » Sun Dec 13, 2009 11:30 am

It really has to do with the touch of the player. I know drummers that make every cymbal sound good and drummers that make every (or at least most) cymbals sound bad. There's one guy who I've been tempted to take the hats away from because it is impossible for him to make any hats sound good.

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Post by Judas Jetski » Sun Dec 13, 2009 1:19 pm

cgarges wrote:....I truly believe that they all have their place. Except for those wretched Sabian B8s.
C'mon, Chris... the B8s have a place. You just gotta have one of those old-school galvanized steel garbage cans....

Seriously, I've had good luck with all manner of decent cymbals. The weird thing I've found is that cymbals with way-too-short attack for live use still tend to sound good on tape. Go figure.
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Post by Sean Sullivan » Sun Dec 13, 2009 7:15 pm

I really like the Sabian AA Medium Thin and Vault series crashes. 16" and 18" are pretty standard. I like a Sabian HH Medium Heavy or a Zildjian K Custom 20" ride. I like New Beat and AA 14" hi-hats.

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Post by Snarl 12/8 » Sun Dec 13, 2009 9:05 pm

I loved this Paiste Signature crash that I have. It sounded like glass breaking, in the best possible way. I cracked the fucker. I wish cymbals weren't so goddamn expensive. I'd give my left nut to have a full set of Paistes, but I don't have the cash and the nut's pretty worthless.

I stole my hi-hats from my dad. They're some Zildjians that are older than I am (41). Every time he comes to visit he says that we should take them down to the music store and try to find a pair that sound like them, for insurance. And he threatens to steal them back.
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Post by The Scum » Sun Dec 13, 2009 11:06 pm

Paiste 2002's seem to go down the gullet a little better than just about anything else in my arsenal.

I paid a handful of peanuts last spring for a pair of 2002 Soundedge hihats (previous owner washed off the silkscreen, so they were effectively worthless). I'll be damned (or Jeff Pocaro) if they don't sound like a IBM Selectric when they're under a little foot tension.

And isn't the hihat where I spend about 90% of my time, anyways?

The Paiste "crystal" crashes record very well, also.

Hollow-logo Zildjians and Sabian HHX are also pretty tasty...and I've got some Wuhans that are what the doctor ordered from time to time.

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Post by snoopy23 » Mon Dec 14, 2009 6:38 am

IMHO, Zildjian 'A''s are the most palatable cymbal for recording. They have a complexity of overtones and are not too brash or 'smashy". I tend to lean towards smaller crash cymbals like 16" and 18" in the studio, but live I use 18" and 19" crashes. Oh yeah, and my new beat hihats are simply irreplaceable and delicious. Ride cymbals, on the other hand, are more of a player-defining sound and most rides seem to go down well to tape. That said, my 22" Zildjian Ping ride seems to rule the roost and has been favored by most drummers to come through my door.
OTOH, run away from B8's ZBX, or any cymbal that was pressed from a shiny piece of tinny crap.

One thing to mention, the type of stick plays a huge part in defining the cymbal sound. Nylon tips really make a ride pattern jump into the mic, and wood tips can be helpful in dulling down on "over pingy" cymbal. Any studio should have at least a rudimentary selection of different tipped sticks to use to get the right sound for the band.

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Post by vvv » Mon Dec 14, 2009 6:55 am

Snarl 12/8 wrote: I stole my hi-hats from my dad. They're some Zildjians that are older than I am (41). Every time he comes to visit he says that we should take them down to the music store and try to find a pair that sound like them, for insurance. And he threatens to steal them back.

That is fookin' 8) !

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Post by oldguitars » Tue Dec 15, 2009 8:34 am

I would include Istanbul in that list....
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