I Seriously Think my Tascam mixer was made on DAY ONE.

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Judas Jetski
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I Seriously Think my Tascam mixer was made on DAY ONE.

Post by Judas Jetski » Sun Aug 11, 2013 9:17 pm

I checked the cereal number on the back. The number is 1000xx where xx = an integer between 01 and 20. (I know better than to publish serial numbers.) I checked the date code, and (as I understand Tascam date codes) this mixer was made in the 3rd quarter of 1982 (i.e., 23). AFAIK, they didn't start selling the mixers until 1983.

I read somewhere that the first digit of a Tascam number provides information about where it was made, or where it was meant to be sold or something. Not sure.

Maybe I'm just clutching at straws, now that Joey Santiago says he can't remember enough about my guitar to say that it was his... but I'm seriously wondering whether this thing, like, came off the assembly line on Day One.

Any opinions?
New Judas Jetski EP up! andysmash.bandcamp.com


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