Headphones for Pro studio...?

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Re: Headphones for Pro studio...?

Post by Professor » Fri Aug 13, 2004 10:07 pm

Ian, I've not tried those Firths, but I have played drums in the studio with the Senn. HD-202 and they isolate quite well and they're very light and comfortable for long playing.

As for the 7506s, I completely agree that the cable sucks. If you were going to take the whole thing apart and replace the cable, you would want a 4 conductor, or do what my friend in Denver did and use Mogami star-quad mic cable with the two whites as one positive, the two blues as the other positive and he pulled the shield into two little bundles for the negatives and just put shrink tube around the tails.
But if you are going to cut the cable at the base of the cans, I'd say put an XLR on the end wired with L+ to pin-2, R+ to pin13, both negatives to pin-1, and then do the same to the 1/4" end so you have a little adapter. Then you can plug any old mic cable of any old length for your cans. Might be a little heavy, but you could just loop around your belt before connecting to pick up a little of the weight or something similar.


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Re: Headphones for Pro studio...?

Post by markpar » Sat Aug 14, 2004 2:40 pm

logancircle wrote:I saw a guy in a business suit riding a longboard on Capitol Hill with a pair of those INCREDIBLE Grado open-ear headphones--the wooden ones. That is the life (except the Capitol Hill part) See http://www.gradolabs.com/product_pages/rs1.htm
God DAMN those headphones are freaking awesome. I had a pair for this job I had about 5 years ago (I was testing audio codecs) and I loved using them.

I'd never give them to a client to use, though. :)



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