Electric guitar pick ups

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Re: Electric guitar pick ups

Post by rolandk » Sun Aug 15, 2004 9:32 pm

If your pickups are microphonic and feeding back like crazy they probably weren't potted (i.e. dipped in wax). My 1990 LP Standard was like that. Get some candle wax- there is probably a particular type but I used white- heat it up in a pan just hot enough to melt and dip your pups in there.
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Re: Electric guitar pick ups

Post by stooge » Mon Aug 16, 2004 6:59 am

Depending on the style of music you're playing (I'm assuming from your post's references to the pickups squealing and the gain on the amp that you're working in a fairly high-gain/distorted type tone), you've got a couple of options as far as pickups for your Les Paul.

First up is going with Gibson pickups. Not a bad choice at all, but your tone *may* change a little depending on what year your guitar is. Gibson has changed their stock pickups a few times over the last 15 years or so. The downside is that the stock pickups sound...well, stock.

Personally, I've been really happy with Seymour Duncan's stuff. I use a JB in the bridge and a '59 in the neck of both my Les Pauls. The JB adds a little upper midrange boost which helps to cut through, especially when using an overdriven amp. The '59 is Duncan's version of a *slightly* overwound PAF...works really well in the neck position.

I've never heard a Fralin humbucker, but I've heard his stuff in Strats, Teles, and a Jazzmaster...and it all sounds great.

THAT REMINDS ME...Fralin does rewinds as well. I think he charges $50 per coil (i.e. your humbucker would be $100), but he will rewind them from the bobbin up to get the sound you're looking for. I wound up having him rewind the pickups from a japanese Jazzmaster...he overwound the pickups to make them darker and beefier, used cloth wire the whole way...it takes him about a month to do it, but the results are great.

Hope this helps.

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Re: Electric guitar pick ups

Post by beebe » Mon Aug 16, 2004 8:44 am

If microphonic feedback is your only complaint... wax potting pickups is cheep and easy... and it works... here is a site that tells you how to do it: http://www.guitarnuts.com/technical/ele ... /index.php

I bought a Seymor Duncan Seth Lover pickup which is intentionaly left un potted for the vintage sound... I was hopping it wouldn't go microphonic at the levels I play at, but it did and the procedure described in the link above fixed it.


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