Some questions about the digital stuff.

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Some questions about the digital stuff.

Post by Bear » Thu Jul 24, 2003 9:58 pm

Okie doke. Here's some questions that have been plaguing me lately. If you know the answers or can point me to the solutions, I'd be much obliged.

My setup at the moment isn't spectacular, mainly because I don't have any money (go figure). My entire setup is worth about three grand--including my computer, which was $1400. I feel relatively good about the recordings I'm making, but there is some room for improvement. Hence my questions.

I'm using a Fostex VF-80 for my tracking, then uploading the tracks into the computer for mixing and mastering. What is the best way to import tracks into a PC? My sound card is just an Audigy with no ports beyond standard (couldn't afford anything nicer), so I've been using an Edirol USB sound converter to upload. Problem is, the converter is only 16-bit. Since the tracker is 24-bit, I'm losing a noticable amount of sound-quality. But the VF-80 has SPDIF Coaxial ports. What can you tell me about this format? Would it be worth picking up a USB SPDIF converter (I spotted one for $99.00)? Are the cables expensive/easily available? Is the format compatible with most programs--is it just a fancy way to transport wavs? I realize that I can't maintain 24-bit and will have to dither it down during the master, But the degradation can be frutrating, considering how much time getting the right sound in the first place.

Secondly, can someone explain 32 bit Float? I'm a little lost on the "float" part. Haven't found a good exaplanation.

Any general tips on working with this kind of format?

Thanks in advance for any help/advice.
I am wangtacular.

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Re: Some questions about the digital stuff.

Post by apropos of nothing » Thu Jul 24, 2003 11:17 pm

There's a pretty good explanation of 32 bit float if you scroll down a bit here:

Y'r best bet on getting tracks into the computer is pr'y writing them out on CD burner attached to y'r multitracker and then importing them into y'r fave virtual studio.

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Re: Some questions about the digital stuff.

Post by Bear » Thu Jul 24, 2003 11:58 pm

Thanks for that link. That was helpful.
Y'r best bet on getting tracks into the computer is pr'y writing them out on CD burner attached to y'r multitracker and then importing them into y'r fave virtual studio.
Aha! But therein lies a problem. The burner for this thing run at $200 bucks, if not more. I have an external for my PC, but it's USB only, and the tracker has no USB that I'm aware of. Which is why I'm considering the SPDIF route.
I am wangtacular.

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Re: Some questions about the digital stuff.

Post by transmothra » Fri Jul 25, 2003 1:51 am

if you've got S/PDIF outs on your Fos', i would definitely go the S/PDIF route. i don't know the first thing about that stuff, but i know it's probably your best possible choice.

as for bit depth, i really have no clue, as i'm just getting into this stuff myself (and actually kinda wishing i could go back to damn analog). you believe that?
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Re: Some questions about the digital stuff.

Post by JES » Fri Jul 25, 2003 7:28 am

Hi Bear,

"My sound card is just an Audigy with no ports beyond standard (couldn't afford anything nicer), so I've been using an Edirol USB sound converter to upload. Problem is, the converter is only 16-bit. Since the tracker is 24-bit, I'm losing a noticable amount of sound-quality. But the VF-80 has SPDIF Coaxial ports. What can you tell me about this format? Would it be worth picking up a USB SPDIF converter (I spotted one for $99.00)? Are the cables expensive/easily available?"

Not really. But I thought the VF16 had an ADAT out, in which case you could get something with an ADAT in and move 8 channels of audio at a time. SPDIF is a stereo format and so you can only move two tracks at a time.

But if you're willing to spend a few $$ on stuff to get your material from the tracker into the computer, you could just get an 8-channel convertor and be done with the Fostex. There are many options out there, and many are used. I'm a Mac person and I like MOTU but I hear great things about the Aardvark as well.

"Is the format compatible with most programs--is it just a fancy way to transport wavs?"

Yes, it's compatible. I/O format and what programs do are two different things.

"Any general tips on working with this kind of format?"

Learn what you like and build templates. I can set up to record on digital much faster than someone does on analog. Learn the tools you have -- digital recordings can sound full and warm and all that but you have to mix them differently than analog.

Oh, and for whatever your main gear is, find the online user forum for it. It always helps.


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Re: Some questions about the digital stuff.

Post by Bear » Fri Jul 25, 2003 1:40 pm

Thanks for the responses, you two.

I think I might go SPDIF for now--I need something I can afford within the month, then I'll upgrade at a later date. And even though SPDIF can only move two tracks at a time, I'm currently moving one at a time, so that'll be an improvement. And yes, down the road, I'm gonna pick up an 8 channel convertor, but I really don't have a lot of free money. Takes me about a month just to round up a hundred bucks that won't hurt me (gotta eat).

Thanks for the tips, too.
I am wangtacular.


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