Nearfield monitors/ Stand up or lay on their side?

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Re: Nearfield monitors/ Stand up or lay on their side?

Post by bunny » Tue Dec 14, 2004 2:02 pm

good call on comparing the image to headphone environment...

depending on the monitor and the listening position(s), your mileage may vary. my monitors are upside down, because they have ribbon tweeters without much vertical dispersion... if i'm standing up they sound fine, my ears are level with the tweeters. but sitting behind the console, i would lose some high end. upside down, with the tweeters closer to ear-level when sitting, they're okay. you might find this useful if you've got some monitors which may not have been *designed* for nearfield/studio use.

lying sideways is probably fine for most modern tiny 2-way monitors with standard woofers and dome tweeters. the bigger the monitor, the further apart the woofer/tweeter becomes, going sideways is going to shrink your sweet spot and be more difficult to get everything hitting your ears right. and then lean side-to-side, or lean forward to make a board adjustment, or lean back to exhale the monster bonghit, and you're out of the spot. and maybe you've got some dudes in the control room, nowhere near that spot, and they're wondering why it sounds like crap.

i wish the old altec duplexes sounded better. horn in the middle of the woofer. point and shoot.

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Re: Nearfield monitors/ Stand up or lay on their side?

Post by twitchmonitor » Tue Dec 14, 2004 4:57 pm

And to further complicate the issue...should they be completely parallel to one another or turned in 30 degrees or so?

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Re: Nearfield monitors/ Stand up or lay on their side?

Post by johnny7 » Tue Dec 14, 2004 7:39 pm

nestle wrote: I think the sideways thing is for those really big jet set type studio's with a wide control room, for that kind of sideways more space on top for cocaine decadence.
That's the way I used to do it. But, now I have my monitors vertical and do my lines off a groupie's ass...

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Re: Nearfield monitors/ Stand up or lay on their side?

Post by kayagum » Wed Dec 22, 2004 9:05 pm

I just got the MoPads tonight, and I think they are helping quite a bit, particularly with the positioning....

... that being said, I have to side with the vertical camp, at least with my setup. I was listening to American Music Club (Mercury, mixed by Tchad Blake) with some serious low end info, and I can hear some serious comb filtering going on. Sounded seriously hollow.

Of course, YMMV (significantly)....

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Re: Nearfield monitors/ Stand up or lay on their side?

Post by squizo » Wed Dec 22, 2004 11:54 pm

does anyone here lay their bookshelf or stereo speakers on their side?

I don't

So why

My M-1's and events are vertical....I'm tall and have a big head

my mixes translate better, spacially, like this

(i think i just spit up a magazine ad)


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