Building impedance transformer

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Building impedance transformer

Post by soundnerd » Wed Jan 14, 2004 12:05 pm

I own a Reslo ribbon mic. It's output impedance is 30 ohms. Does anyone know how to build an impedance transformer to bring it up to modern pre-amp levels? Or can anyone direct me to a resource to do so? Any help would be useful. Thanks.

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Re: Building impedance transformer

Post by soundguy » Wed Jan 14, 2004 12:10 pm

depending on what the impedance is on the primary of that transformer, you can probably swap it out for a modern transformer if you want, I know lundahl makes a transformer that seems to work pretty well with RCA ribbons.

what is the problem that you are having with your set up? I have a 50 ohm 4038 and I've never had any big issues with it so far as the impedance is concerned.



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