What Did You Work On Today? 12-16-04

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What Did You Work On Today? 12-16-04

Post by cgarges » Thu Dec 16, 2004 4:38 am


Chris Garges
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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 12-16-04

Post by phait » Thu Dec 16, 2004 5:04 am

Continually realizing I am more often distracted away from working on music because of the fact I'm doing it at home, and not getting much work done and despite the fact I don't have any deadlines, I keep thinking I need to commit some more time to this instead of going back and forth. It's hard for me to focus.

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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 12-16-04

Post by bigtoe » Thu Dec 16, 2004 5:12 am

i just woke up! what's your deal? :)


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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 12-16-04

Post by rhythm ranch » Thu Dec 16, 2004 5:22 am

So far?

I fed the cats. Dogs are next, then the goats and horse.

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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 12-16-04

Post by Rigsby » Thu Dec 16, 2004 5:56 am

Got up silly early (before 5) and turned on the mac to carry on working on this thing i've been recording with four glockenspiel parts that i'll be transferring from 44.1 to 48kHz once it's done as it has a really nice tone at 48, some of the parts i've already transferred to 96kHz and added those in here and there too. In the end i got distracted and spent a couple of hours working on this loop that Ref D posted on Creot, finished with that and posted it over there. Sat on the net for a while messing about really, here and there and checking eBay, just about to have a jacket potato and then i'm heading over to a friends place, may do some music there but i'm not sure, fancy a chat and a game of chess over music today.

What you been up to Chris?
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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 12-16-04

Post by andyg666 » Thu Dec 16, 2004 6:00 am

well, yesterday, i recorded a woman singing some christmas songs over some kareoke tracks for a gift for her mom. she could actually sing, which was nice. but everytime she messed up, she'd be like "O Holy Night! Christ is the man!" and then she'd mess up and start cursing. it was pretty funny...

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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 12-16-04

Post by djimbe » Thu Dec 16, 2004 6:36 am

my second set of interviews at a conduit manufacturing facility is today. It's in a lousy neighborhood, but they clearly have money to spend on upgrading their facilities, and the facilities could use some help. Today I hope to get some details on working ratio, yield loss, environmental compliance and buncha other topics that are important to me. I've got 17+ years in the steel business, but never worked in a tube mill before. I've been unemployed since late January, and while I love working at my studio and helping out the freelancers that work with us, I'm sick and tired of musician's hours and being too broke to afford new gear for people to use. I hope this one goes well, 'cause there's a Studer A80 I heard about last week that's calling my name...
I thought this club was for musicians. Who let the drummer in here??

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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 12-16-04

Post by Slider » Thu Dec 16, 2004 6:48 am

I just woke up.
But I'm going to attempt to hook up my RME fireface 800's to my computer.
These things are a pain to get working.
If I get them working I'll be mixing some really bad music tonight.

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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 12-16-04

Post by joel hamilton » Thu Dec 16, 2004 7:02 am

Vocals for the new unsane record I have been working on for a week. all the basics sound completely sick. This is going to be the best recording of a heavy band I have ever done, period. we start mixing tomorrow, and I am looking forward to it. There is no EQ on anything and it sounds H-U-G-E. Should be pummeling.

I really like my job this month.....

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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 12-16-04

Post by joelpatterson » Thu Dec 16, 2004 7:10 am

Finished the first batch (one of many I hope) of CDs of an original cast recording of a musical this high school senior wrote and produced and gets its debut performance this weekend. The story is a complicated tale of a girl kidnapped at birth and raised as a queen, with other interlocking stories, and the music is like an amalgamation of Gilbert and Sullivan and Rodgers and Hammerstein and Sondeium and Webber and pretty much the kitchen sink of musicals. The session went amazingly well, all based around my prize M9 tube mic. The most impressive thing is how she's gotten 50 of her friends, high school kids, all on board and making this thing happen. I'm impressed.
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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 12-16-04

Post by marqueemoon » Thu Dec 16, 2004 9:17 am

Wrote a new song last night. The melody is really weird. It's taking some getting used to. It's probably the most politically charged song I've ever written.

I've spent the last week or so experimenting with drum sounds for my next solo recording project that I'm planning to do in mono on my trusty cassette 4 track. There are soo... many variables when you're trying to squeeze an entire drum set onto 1/4 of a cassette, and the tone of everything changes depending on how hard you hit the tape. The EV 635A I got from ubertar a while back is sounding very cool as an overhead. In keeping with the old-school 4 track tradition my current favorite mic combo is all dynamic mics on the drums.

I really didn't have time to work on it more last night though because I had to take my bike into the shop.

I've spent the last couple of days and part of this morning trying to nail down a booker on the details of my first solo show in a very long time. I also just joined a band-in-progress on guitar so I've been spending some time trying to get up to speed on those songs. Our first show with me in the lineup is happening very soon.
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But I was very much bothered with my work!

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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 12-16-04

Post by inverseroom » Thu Dec 16, 2004 9:35 am

Sending my CD to radio producers. I have this idea that the instrumentals from the 100-songs album could be used as incidental music on public radio show--it could get airplay by entering through the back door!

And on your advice, Chris, I included a cheat sheet of track numbers, song descriptions, and durations.

Also slogging away at a revision on a writing project. I'll be doing it for at least three more weeks...

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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 12-16-04

Post by llmonty » Thu Dec 16, 2004 9:38 am

worked into the wee hours last night (so it counts for today!) setting up a patchbay, rewiring my space. really want to make it easier to use and everything semi permantly set up.

Also worked on a bunch of bass line ideas for this new project i might be involved in. fun fun. noticed that i write much cooler lines when i listen to a song first and hum the parts and then figure it out vs. just noodling over the song. i think that is the difference between me and great musicians, they can immediately translate what they hear in their head to their hands. not me yet :oops: , but at least i can come up with them in my mind, so there is some solace there :?
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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 12-16-04

Post by cgarges » Thu Dec 16, 2004 9:42 am

bigtoe wrote:i just woke up! what's your deal? :)

I never stop.



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Re: What Did You Work On Today? 12-16-04

Post by ubertar » Thu Dec 16, 2004 9:48 am

I've just been wasting time destroying the weird B&K NASA mic I just got. Tried it on different stuff for a while, found it's really only useful as a contact mic. Took it apart (this is where the destruction part comes in) and found it's made of three piezo cylinders (not discs) wired in series. The cylinders sound better as contact mics than any other piezos I've tried. Warmer sounding, no brittle high end. So at least it was useful for something.

Taking a break from the song I'm recording... it's nearly done. Have to go to work soon.


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