beyer m130...

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beyer m130...

Post by dwelle » Mon Dec 27, 2004 6:35 pm

anyone use one of these? i'm intrigued.

i don't have any figure 8's, and i'm interested in doing the MS thing and i have an m160 that i love.

any difference between the ones they sell new and the older ones, like they do with the m260?

rock on...

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Re: beyer m130...

Post by ivanovich » Tue Dec 28, 2004 2:21 pm

i got one this last summer. it has interesting characteristics. it definately has that bass proximity effect....what is it called.........__________. i've loved it for MS stuff. i have noticed that it's a little noisy. it's probably not the best mic for a room sound. i've put it up in the room and just listened to the stuff happening in the house-and the street- and it's noisy. i've run it through a grace 101, api 512, tube mp, the mbox's pre's and when you crank them-the pre's- there seems to be a lot of noise. however, recently i've been recording a couple of friends and myself in stereo......and it sounds really full. i guess what i'm trying to say is that i've had to have an easily perceivable sound, this is when the mic comes to life. i did a couple of ms recordings of my trap kit-snare, hi-hat, and bd- on the far right side of the patern while my friend playing a dobro guit fiddle on the close left side singing and it worked out really well. i guess it's hard for me to articulate these aesthetics......maybe i should just post an mp3 or aiff somewhere so you can listen.......

i'm going to take the mic and try some really hi end mic pre's and see if that noise is till there. as you know it's obviously a dynamic ribon. i know for a fact that my mic has been connected and the phantom power was turned on. i think this might have damaged it. i should take it somewhere to get it checked.....

i dont know if i've been helpful but if you have any other specific questions let me know.

also if anyone knows about the effect of having phantom power on these mics, please post them! ok bye.

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Re: beyer m130...

Post by jc » Tue Dec 28, 2004 5:11 pm


if you like the 160

and can use a bi-di mic

you'll like the 130.

its quite the similar.

prox efect is what you might expect from a fig8 pattern.
as in: lots.

i happen to love the shit out of my 160 and 130 :D

good luck!
satisfactoryatburntsienna dt com


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