Mackie HDR 24/96 vs Pro Tools

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Mackie HDR 24/96 vs Pro Tools

Post by gillentine » Wed Dec 29, 2004 11:59 pm

Which is the shiz Nit?!
Tape Op is my favorite mag!

Wild Bill
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Re: Mackie HDR 24/96 vs Pro Tools

Post by Wild Bill » Thu Dec 30, 2004 4:14 am

I'm not so sure about the Mackie, but I prefer my TASCAM MX2424 over a protools rig, manily for the interface. I'm an old tape user (for 30+ years) and feel more comfortable. This whole "Pro Tools monoply" is total bullshit in my humble opinion. (I feel so strongly I spelled it out)

It looks like I converted just in time, too (Quantegy news)

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Mark Alan Miller
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Re: Mackie HDR 24/96 vs Pro Tools

Post by Mark Alan Miller » Thu Dec 30, 2004 6:31 am

I have both.
I'll tell you, if you're using a 'analog studio' style set-up, with an console, outboard, etc, the HDR is a wonderful recorder. The editing is some of the best I've ever used. Crossfades, fade ins and fade outs are easier and/or faster than PT by a long shot.
The HDR is NOT a DAW. It only has basic volume automation. If you want effects, or any sonic manipulation beyond editing, the HDR is not the box for you.

I fly tracks over to PT for manipulation... but the HDR is my prinicpal digital multitrack. I have an analog console and a buttload of outboard - 'old school' I suppose but it works for me and my clients :).

I also use PT as my main mix platform, in sync with the HDR for ease of stem creation, etc. Elegant setup for mixing... Sometimes it also runs anciilary tracks when I need more than 24.

The ways I use PT in my studio, it could be almost any DAW and do the same job...
he took a duck in the face at two and hundred fifty knots. - download the new record (free is an option!) or get it on CD.

Wild Bill
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Re: Mackie HDR 24/96 vs Pro Tools

Post by Wild Bill » Thu Dec 30, 2004 7:20 am

cowtrax wrote:I have both.
I'll tell you, if you're using a 'analog studio' style set-up, with an console, outboard, etc, the HDR is a wonderful recorder. The editing is some of the best I've ever used. Crossfades, fade ins and fade outs are easier and/or faster than PT by a long shot.
The HDR is NOT a DAW. It only has basic volume automation. If you want effects, or any sonic manipulation beyond editing, the HDR is not the box for you.

I fly tracks over to PT for manipulation... but the HDR is my prinicpal digital multitrack. I have an analog console and a buttload of outboard - 'old school' I suppose but it works for me and my clients :).

I also use PT as my main mix platform, in sync with the HDR for ease of stem creation, etc. Elegant setup for mixing... Sometimes it also runs anciilary tracks when I need more than 24.

The ways I use PT in my studio, it could be almost any DAW and do the same job...
My setup is almost exactlty like that. except I usually fly each track back to the MX for analog mixing, and I use nTrack 3.x rather than PT. In my view, the best of both worlds. BTW I was considering the Mackie and the only thing that swayed me to the TASCAM was the shuttle/jog wheel. Interface means a lot to me. It defines the work throughput. The Mackie was a very strong contender in my eyes. You gain so much stability and absolute minimum latency for overdubbing with a stand alone machine for tracking. Unless you're taling PTHD and above it's hard to beat IMHO.


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