noisy layla 20

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noisy layla 20

Post by trevord » Mon Feb 14, 2005 2:20 pm

i started hearing a noise in the monitors connected to my old layla 20.
for a long time i chalked it up to interference from all the digital eqipment around the nearfields
since everything i recorded looked clean (at the zoomed in waveform level)

but i had to move some stuff around and i heard the noise comming from the layla itself
i opened it up and it sounds like the transformer is the culprit.
it sounds like the usual power supply hum but with a large dose of higher freqency noise
(switching supply noise?)

is this repairable?
do i need a new transformer or some other components (eg: the huge power supply caps)

anyone else had to deal with problems on an old layla?


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Re: noisy layla 20

Post by JustinHedrick » Tue Feb 15, 2005 9:04 am

my layla 20 is quite as a mouse. Perhaps Echo is like shure, send back the card, the fix it and send it back. Its worth a try. :?


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