bay area: share a recording space?

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gettin' sounds
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bay area: share a recording space?

Post by bunny » Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:39 am

looking for a shared space to record/play music in the bay area - south bay preferred, other locations ok if the space is right...

right now i'm in a warehouse with a couple bands, but i'm sort of tired of cleaning up other people's garbage and missing stupid little things like headphone extension cables... (i don't care if you use my shit, dude, just put it back!) having said that, i am completely understanding, respectful, tolerant and flexible - it's just not the best fit where i'm at right now. the bigger problem with the current space is it shares common walls with an auto shop and has a constantly-under-construction cell tower right outside the door, so the noise is not acceptable when trying to record anything that's not an amp cranked to 11.

i do not record other people right now, only my own projects. i have a regular day job. i use the studio for only a few hours per week. but i have a LOT of equipment. i am open to sharing all of it depending on the space and the other involved parties in this arrangement. ideal would be maybe an existing studio or a startup studio with an extra "b" room that i could take over, but am open to just about anything.

need room to fit:
ampex mm1100 2" 16 track
ampex 440 1/2" 2 track/4 track
ampex 440 1/4" 2 track
ampex 354 1/4" 2 track
soundcraft 600 32x8
4+ racks of outboard
BIG drums, BIG amps, lots of guitars
some decent microphones




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