looking for a studio in Melbourne, Australia

Regional activities, relevant news, job openings, studio searches, local beer nights (not a forum to plug the new album you just worked on)

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permanent hearing damage
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looking for a studio in Melbourne, Australia

Post by permanent hearing damage » Wed May 12, 2010 3:45 pm

i am headed down there this fall and have a few recording projects lined up for while i'm there. i would love to use headgap, but i would imagine they are a bit too pricey for the bands i'm working with. i think something in the $250-300 a day range would be ideal. ideally, it would have either a 16 or 24 track tape machine, but i'm fine with digital as long as it has at least 12 ins at once. i'm most familiar with steinberg programs (nuendo, cubase) and reaper but can probably manage with whatever they've got.

hoping for a decent size room for a loud band to be making noise til the wee hours. nice gear would be great, but as long as i have some different mic options and enough of them to get a full band at once, i'll be good.

failing this, if anyone has a mobile rig to be used at a practice space for a bit less, that might be an option

send word and thanks for your input

joel hamilton
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Post by joel hamilton » Sat May 15, 2010 8:08 pm

I did a really great session at the Grove, which is in Sydney (gosford, actually) and then I mixed a record by a band from melbourne here in NYC... 2 separate projects...

Anyway, the Engineer at the grove, Josh, is a great guy and I bet he could help you out.

PM me if you want to get in touch.
I also know a great guy and engineer in Melbourne that has a studio just outside of town that is super cool.

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Post by tactics » Sun May 16, 2010 4:08 am

Email sent.
cleantone wrote:
Microphone Case, Black, Plastic N/A $30.00
What is this case like? I've been thinking about getting one.

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