looking for a singer/collaborator

Regional activities, relevant news, job openings, studio searches, local beer nights (not a forum to plug the new album you just worked on)

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looking for a singer/collaborator

Post by rocky » Wed Jul 14, 2010 8:53 am

I make indie-pop music.
I'm based in Ireland, but don't really mind where you are from.
I'm willing to travel to record if needs be.

Ideally someone in New York or Los Angeles, as I have one vocalist lined up from Longbeach, CA and friends w/ studios in both cities.

We'd swap files back and forth for nearly all of this, so ability to record is important, but figure that's not such an issue on this board.

My last band were called Oppenheimer -

New music is less sweet, more direct, with a leaning towards poppy hip hop.
There is a rapper in the band who will feature a good amount of the time.

Influences are roughly: Cornelius, Mates Of State, Les Savy Fav. KRS One. The Bronx. Ash. The Like Young. Cursive. Masha Qrella. Boogie Down Productions. The Anniversary. Mirwais. David Holmes. Math The Band. Black Eyed Peas. They Might Be Giants. The Ramones. Ugly Duckling. Sleater-Kinney. The Faint. The Like Young. Georgie James. Moog. Zvex.

If you're interested send me an email with mp3s or links to some of your music to


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