lets talk flaming lips.....

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Post by Ivon » Sat Dec 09, 2006 10:30 pm

honkyjonk wrote:"
I've beeb a Lips fan since the mid 80's, but had to leave most thier shows during that period as they used strobe lights and the flashing would induce panic attacks in me.

A few years ago, I was at the AAA Radio conference in Louisville and they were part of the guest speaker/performers (well, Wayne and Stephen). Stephen played the piano, and Wayne had bits of stuff prerecorded that he would 'trigger' and sang. It was in an intimate, really nice radio live room and basically Wayne would talk about the songs from Pink Robots (which is what thye were out promoting), how they were contructed, and then they would do these stripped down versions of the tunes using the piano and recorded bits along with unprocessed singing. It was really quit mesmerising.

Later that day, there was a cruise on the Ohio aboard the Belle of Lousiville. As we were getting of the boat, Wayne and I happened onto the bus that would take us back to the Hotel at the same time and ended up sitting next to each other. I mentioned how we had met many years earlier in Cincinanti at a mutual friends house, and of course he remembered. We talked politely about mutual aquaintances, I then mentioned how the radio thing was the first time I had the opportunity to see them do anything live due to my 'affliction', but I'd been a huge fan for a really long time. He started quizzing me about strobe lights, the effects, how long I'd expereinced this etc. As we pulled up to the bus stop, we narrowed down the first time I'd experienced a panic attack due to strobe lights to when I was in 9th grade at a whippet party. He looked me in the eye as we were getting of and said "See, it was the damn whippets".

I think this story is made up. It's good, but you should have ended it with Wayne squirting a bunch of fake blood on you.
Yeah. This is all benign heresay. I'll have you know that I've actually schlept with ?Wayne after he squirted fake blood on me. Yeah. But I'm not sweating it.

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