Too much bass?

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A National Acrobat
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Too much bass?

Post by A National Acrobat » Sun Oct 02, 2011 5:21 pm

I don't think that the bass is too overpowering but a fresh set of ears would be nice.

Any other observations would be cool too, I really appreciate any thoughts. Thank you so much, everyone.

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Post by DrummerMan » Sun Oct 02, 2011 8:05 pm

Bass sounds fine to me. I dig the tone and think the edginess does nice things to the overall energy of the tune. It would be a problem if it were more bottom-heavy eq-wise, but it's not.

The reverb on the drums I found a little distracting in the beginning and in the breakdown but feel like it totally fits in when the rest of the instruments are in.

I thought the vocals could be more upfront, louder, and a little dirtier, but that could just be me.

All in all I think it sounds like a really solid mix.
Geoff Mann
composer | drummer | Los Angeles, CA

A National Acrobat
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Post by A National Acrobat » Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:26 am

Thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate the insight, it's much obliged.


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Post by fancyhat » Thu Oct 06, 2011 12:05 am

The bass sounds great! Punchy as hell and it's driven just right. Perfect compliment to the guitar tones. It gives a lot of character to the overall mix.
I do feel like the vocal gets a bit muddy. Maybe favoring one of the doubles over the other and bringing it a little more upfront.
All in all, very nicely done.
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cale w
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Post by cale w » Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:16 pm

The bass is killer! The tone is just right, sounds like perfect fuzzy picked bass, very "knuckly" which is something I think I made up to describe that tone.

I agree with what was said about the vocals getting muddy. One of the doubles needs to be more prominent than the other, and both might need to come up a smidge.

The drum reverb IS kinda distracting in the intro and breakdown. Automating it back slighty would do the trick. I think drums sound the coolest when they're making you scared of them because they're RIGHT IN YOUR FACE.

The hard-right guitar towards the second half of the intro seems distracting to me, like it's making the whole mix list right. Maybe if it was pulled back just a bit?

And, even though I'm in no way qualified to give these suggestions, like even remotely, I think the snare sounds whacky, like it just goes "tah!" without any body. When I hear that I immediately think parallel compression on the close mic to bring out the sustain and character of the drum.

But to get back to the purpose of your post, the bass is righteous. Maybe even kick it up a bit for fun, it's not like the guitars are saying too much melodically. But I'm a bass player by trade, so what do I know.

Dope mix either way, cheers!

A National Acrobat
gettin' sounds
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Post by A National Acrobat » Sat Oct 08, 2011 1:07 pm

Thanks for all the ears, guys. The snare was a 13" Pork Pie acrylic drum so that might explain some of the sounds regarding that.

I hear you regarding the vocals but they wanted a 'sloppy' double tracked sound. Hey, they're the client! :D

Here is the final mix I presented the band with.

Thank you again! It's so cool being able to get constructive feedback, I could never possibly take this for granted.

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