PM1000 Yamaha custom stereo Mike preamp sale

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Jeff White
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Post by Jeff White » Wed Jul 02, 2008 7:17 am

strdsk is unfortunately sometimes very hard to relax when someone owes you a few hundred dollars, rent is due, and you constantly have strangers reminding you to relax. Seeabove...if you look you'll see that I simply responded to ipressrecord's post. Simply responded...and that was all. Didn't go out of my way at all to open up this old wound and in fact tried to shift negativity to positivity by singing the praises of a fellow poster and his remarkable building talents...hence forth getting back to gear. JD!
My post was in response to you being a child. Don't drag me into this.

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Post by strdsk » Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:14 am

Drag you into this ipressrecord? Please. Once you unwantedly chime in on a public message board with obvious cheap shots at being sarcastic you're instantly part of it by default. It seems as though some people love that fact and have lives lacking themselves?that?s exactly why they feel compelled to make themselves the center of the known universe. Like it or not, you posted on this topic and I responded which I have every right to do. If you want to talk about being a child, you were the one who posted on this topic when another post of mine (now conveniently removed probably because a bunch of respectable members unlike yourself spoke highly of business I have conducted with them) was live. You?re the one perpetuating this?not me. Your name calling only proves my point. Do you personally finance TapeOp? If not, why should I care what you think? My original post warning people about this guy's business ethic is probably more conducive to this community than anything you?ve ever contributed so get over it. Who are we as individuals to decide what is pertinent information around here and what is babble? I encourage you to buy a $500.00 unit from George, ipressrecord. Perhaps you'd like to be the sacrifical engineer who wantsto put their money where their mouth is, stand behind this guy further, and allow him no more excuses as to why he can?t afford to pay up?
Last edited by strdsk on Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Jeff White » Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:21 am

strdsk wrote:It seems as though some people ... feel compelled to make themselves the center of the known universe.

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Post by strdsk » Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:24 am

Oh I don't feel compelled at all to try and make myself the center of the known universe. Rather, I'm trying very hard to actually be useful around here and warn others of a scam when I've been taken by one. I fully understand that my warning (which at best could save someone from being screwed out of $500.00 someday) isn't quite as useful as say...soldering a piece of braided copper wire to pin 3 instead of pin 1...but hey...I'm an idiot just trying to make my way in this world. Read into that what you like. Best...JD!

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Post by mjau » Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:08 am

strdsk wrote:another post of mine (now conveniently removed probably because a bunch of respectable members unlike yourself spoke highly of business I have conducted with them)
1. You're scorned. We get it. You got screwed out of some coin, and that sucks.
2. In the deleted thread, you asked past customers to post nice things about you. Some did. I'm sure you made your sales and deserved the praise you solicited from them.
3. You are making yourself out to be martyr by hijacking threads with repetitive posts. I'm sorry you got screwed. I've been there - it sucks, but life moves on.
4. You have an issue with the guy who has your money. You may claim that you went as public as you did because you want to protect others, but it comes across as if you are the squeaky wheel that won't keep quiet until you get your cash back. That's unfair to the rest of us on TOMB, who appreciate the messageboard for its low signal-to-noise ratio. Unjust or not - you are increasing the noise ratio.
5. Why not use some of your obviously abundant supply of need-for-written-expression and post in "Gear Talk", "Recording Techniques", or some of the other places to post? Right now you're a guy with a questionable track record that's used TOMB to buy and sell stuff. Why not become a more robust member of the community and participate in lots of the other happening stuff on TOMB?

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Post by strdsk » Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:21 am

Mjau?for the record, I didn?t ?ask past customers to post nice things about me?. I simply asked a few to post their experiences in dealings with me on a one on one basis since I am constantly being vilified on this forum. I understand that asking them ?to post nice things about me? would be me biasing the overall feeling of that thread and that was not my aim whatsoever. In fact, I only asked a few to do so. Some of my past customers were silently and privately following that thread the whole time and once they saw that it was actually OK to stand up for me took the liberty of posting on my behalf under their own accord without even having to be asked?which I still greatly appreciate! Also, I haven?t hijacked any threads with repetitive posts as a martyr figure?I simply responded to posts with my opinion of a character who has been held in high regard on this forum thus far. My true aim in going public with this IS to warn others and not just to be a squeaky wheel trying to get paid?I let that dream go awhile back regardless of what some may think. Considering that we have had a famously rocky past I do appreciate your very mature viewpoints and requests though Mjau. Thanks for your input. I never want people to stop "coming at me" if that makes any sense? You just did...but in a very respectable way and that's what everybody in this world wants and needs...respect. What I don't take kindly to, however, is when people come at me with name calling and straight up false accusations. When that happens I defend myself to the bloody doubt. The ebb and flow of our relationship on here Mjau is boat loads of bad...then a few good. If you truly want change let?s continue to set the example, play nice together one at a time, and not point the proverbial finger at one another. In other words people, don?t go ruining pleasant dialogues that you?ve had with one another by busting balls with name calling 30 minutes later. JD!
Last edited by strdsk on Wed Jul 02, 2008 12:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: PM1000 Yamaha custom stereo Mike preamp sale

Post by roygbiv » Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:40 am

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Post by strdsk » Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:49 am

Roygbiv...Let me guess?you were the guy in college (if you made it that far) who would get drunk with some friends, see a homeless man in the park in the wee hours of night, high-five your ?buds?, and screw with him when no one else was around to help him?right? Or perhaps you?re the guy who still identifies with John Cusack?s character in the movie ?High Fidelity? only instead of records it?s audio for you? I?m not saying that you?re an elitist?I?m just saying that?well?

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Post by Scodiddly » Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:55 pm

Joe, it's past time to stop posting about this.

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Post by strdsk » Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:50 pm

Take note that I only speak when I'm spoken to Scott. Mjau has even pointed out on several occasions that I very seldom even post on this forum. I only buy here, sell here, and read here and it's for this reason.

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