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WTT/WTS - Elysia XPressor 500 for API EQ...or...?

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 8:40 am
by sircletus
I'm in pretty good shape for compressors these days and would like to start grabbing some EQs and maybe mic pres. Trading would be cool, though I'm so specific in what I want in trade that it's probably not all that feasible:

- API 550b
- Maybe a Tonelux EQP5?
- E27?

and....yeah. I dunno. Oh hell, maybe even a 525 (yeah, yeah, compressor). Holler with a trade offer!

The Xpressor is an odd duck. It can be extremely transparent across a bus or group, but don't expect a VCA-style pump for drums. Oddly enough, I've found it to be amazing on bass, of all things.

I'll sell it for $800, buyer pays shipping (U.S. only, please). I'll take care of the PayPal fees 'cause I'm nice like that.
