CDR Duplication in eastern Washington

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CDR Duplication in eastern Washington

Post by Professor » Fri Jun 06, 2003 1:54 pm

Well, I was prompted by a posting over in the general section to finally mention that I offer CDR duplication. Yes I am sure that lots of us offer it, and I'm sure that many of us offer the same services, but I should at least throw my hat in the ring as well.

The usual service - short run, say from 10 discs and up if we are going mail order. If you really want less than ten, we can work on that.
I burn to Taiyo Yuden Silver Printable discs.
I inkjet print in full color - why bother with 'black only'.
I can print glossy front and back inserts. Fronts are usually one sheet, two panel with glossy outside and matte inside, but can also be single fold, four panel.
I assemble and even shrink wrap the final discs and deliver via UPS or FedEx.
I don't burn on a cheap computer drive, I use a MicroBoards stand-alone 4-burner machine that can do audio CDs, data CDs, video CDs, what ever you need to duplicate. No DVD yet, but that will be coming shortly.
I can also transfer from almost any medium you send, CDR, DAT, 24-bit DAT, MD, Vinyl, .WAV, .AIFF etc.
Oh, and I've been duplicating for several years now, so it's not something I'm still learning.

Turn around time can be as fast or as slow as you require and I always keep all of the data and artwork on file so you can order another batch of 10, 50, 100, etc. as you need them which means no storage and no left over discs when they stop selling or the band lineup & demo changes. A much better alternative to printing up 500 or 1000 discs only to have the drummer leave three months later, when you've only sold 50 discs and are still $2000 in the hole. Not that that scenario has ever happened.

So, if you are interested, feel free to give me a shout. I'll send you a price quote.



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