I recorded this band, what do you think?

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I recorded this band, what do you think?

Post by texlop » Tue Jun 01, 2004 12:24 am

This is my first production I've done for this band. I was wondering what you guys think. I know it needs a lot. I'm definetely going to redo the drums. Just throw your criticisizims out there. I could really use both pos. and neg. criticizim. Here is the link to the songs.

3 songs total

Thanks for taking a look
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pushin' record
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Re: I recorded this band, what do you think?

Post by gabewheel2000 » Tue Jun 01, 2004 2:44 am

first thing i noticed was, that the bass and guitar aren't in tune. production wise, i don't think it's too bad. maybe more punchy drums. but really, the lack of intonation is the first thing i noticed.

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Re: I recorded this band, what do you think?

Post by thethingwiththestuff » Tue Jun 01, 2004 8:31 am

i hate to try to comment on something being replayed on such a poor medium like the player on that site, but all i could hear was a lot 500-900hz boxiness in a genre known for sucked midrange and lots of low end. what kinds of mics and pres were you using? or rather, what kind of gear in general?

check your phase relationships, things sound a bit weak. i'd also try running a second group of drums under your main tracks.

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Re: I recorded this band, what do you think?

Post by texlop » Mon Jun 14, 2004 12:53 am

First I'd like to say the kick was an overstuffed kick drum and this drumset was made by Horner. I think they should just stick to making harmonicas.

On the drum set I used an
Sm57 on the snare
Sennheiser e602 on the kick
Samson C01 as over heads
AKG C100S for Hi Hat which I didn't use much on the mix I think I ended up no keeping it.

Guitars used a B52 head running through a Behringer BG412H cabinet
Sm57 directly in the middle of the cone for clarity
Audio Tecnica DR-VX2 on the edge of the cone

Bass was direct
Mexican fender jazz bass I compressed it on the way to the recorder after the pres

and Vocals where done by a single Samson C01

Every thing was recorded through a Yamaha MG16/4 mixer for the mic pres and went out through the inserts and into a MOTU 828. I used Digital Performer for the software. All was recorded on my G3 Hard drive. The mixing was done on Yamaha S8M Studio Monitor Speakers.

Not the best equipment. This is my first studio setup and hopefully with time and more money I will upgrade every part of my home studio. I want to look into buying an 8 track tape machine some day so I can do both analog and digital recordings.
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Re: I recorded this band, what do you think?

Post by Family Hoof » Mon Jun 14, 2004 1:03 am

i like the china cymbal a lot!

everything else sounds tiny, phase problems, low mid mud + boomy, muffled, too dry, did I say tiny? I'll bet the highly compressed (the codec kind) playback on that website has something to do with it though. Don't blame your gear, please. it's a good enough setup to get MUCH better results than these examples are showing. the mix is not translating at all to my Tannoy monitors... unless your intention was for the band to sound they're in the other room with the singer right in front of me.

I'm sorry to be so harsh but you should give more information as to what you actually did if you want helpful feedback. Please don't let me comments discourage your efforts!

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Re: I recorded this band, what do you think?

Post by markee2004 » Mon Jun 14, 2004 1:09 pm

Starting with the positives I thought the guitar tone wasn't bad, and the vocalists performance was very empassioned, and the vocals sounded pretty good generally.

Some things I thought were maybe abit less good were: a very muddy kick drum sound, general muddines in the lower mids and everything below that, and the bass guitar sounded abit thin (maybe thats what you were going for) and was being masked by just about everything, so on the bits where everyone was playing I couldn't hear the bass at all virtually. one way to improve on that would be to do some good corrective EQing and possibly think about using a bass amp next time as well.
you can buy all the equipment in the world but it won't write the music for you.

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pushin' record
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Re: I recorded this band, what do you think?

Post by texlop » Tue Jun 15, 2004 9:15 pm

Family Hoof wrote: I'm sorry to be so harsh but you should give more information as to what you actually did if you want helpful feedback. Please don't let me comments discourage your efforts!
Are you kidding me I love the feed back. I want to know how I can improve and get a better sound. I'm asking these guys to come back because I admit I did not coach the very well on their playing.

I just abhor that kick sound. I've tried compression and equalization but I can't get it to work. I've just given up on these recordings and want to redo the whole thing.
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