Cavalry Thrills Songs

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apropos of nothing
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Re: Cavalry Thrills Songs

Post by apropos of nothing » Wed Jul 30, 2003 8:38 pm

My usual criticism caveat is that I'm not a native guitar-rock liker.

With that in mind, I have to say that this is really nice to listen to. Its reminding me of Minneapolitan Willy Wisely's first couple of tape release, back in the day. Touches of Up On The Sun era Meat Puppets.

I'm listening to Sell. I like that double tracked break a lot. Real hooky.

The guitar tone sounds a touch thin, the drums a bit far back in the mix, and the bass somewhat overbearing, but the song and arrangement are real cool. Real cool. That acoustic sound is very nice. Digging on the harmonica.

If I could change one thing in this mix it would be the lead tone on the electric guitar.

Now listening to Gospel. The tambourine is happy. I might put the harmony vocal a touch further back or use a different vocal timbre for it.

Good stuff. Feels like music. No bombast. That's good. Good job.

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Re: Cavalry Thrills Songs

Post by trashy » Wed Jul 30, 2003 8:54 pm

Nice! Reminds me of Dinosaur (Jr.). I hate when people do that. Say you sound like someone else. But I just did.
I meant it as a compliment.

"Sell" - I like the mix ok. It could use some sparkle. I don't know what. I think the guitar tone is ok: I think you were going for something, and I think you got it. There's a little noise on the track; it's not a good noise, you should kill it if you can. I don't like the snare in one speaker, bass drum in the other, but I'm a big fan of treating the drums as one instrument.
The song is great!

"Gospel" - Yeah, I'm not sure about the stereo separation on this either (between the voice and guitar). Maybe I'm just not a big fan of the hard pan. I'm a poet and I didn't even know that I was one. I really like the tone on the lead guitar part (the first non-rhythm guitar). The harmonies sound great. The mix is really nice. Ooh, I like the cymbal splashes at the end!!!

The songs are great. I really like them. Good job!


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