What am I looking for?

alignin' 24-trk
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Joined: Wed Jan 21, 2004 9:38 pm
Location: raleigh, nc

What am I looking for?

Post by kingquasar » Sun Nov 21, 2004 11:12 pm

Here's my situation. I've kind of got a little hobby-band going on and one of the members just moved back west. I'd like to keep this thing going, if for no other reason than to get out of the house once a week. So I gotta put up an ad, right? Problem is I have no idea what I'm looking for. Please listen to some of the songs at...


If you take out about half of the guitar, that's what I'm left with. Should I advertise for another guitar? Bass? Organ? DJ? Tuvan throat singer? The fact is I really don't care and I think my apathy really came through in my first ad, which more or less read "looking for someone to play something."

If this were your band, what would you be looking for?

Also, I know this is a recording message board and all, but please don't comment on the recording quality. I know it's awful. The first song's the worst - sony dictaphone!

Thanks for any input.



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