If you like Mr. Bungle

audio school
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Joined: Wed Jul 16, 2003 10:15 pm

If you like Mr. Bungle

Post by yambike » Sat Aug 02, 2003 6:22 pm

We shure did. This is a recording of a band "Chicken Blizzard" that I was in from like '95-'98. This was done on 1/2" 16 track with no editing. The basic tracks were played live. I just dug this up after not hearing it for a while and was pretty proud of it considering the equiptment used and that it was recorded and mixed in my apartment in the Bronx. I put it on Garage Band because I don't have any where to host it. Don't vote for it. This song has no chance of commercial success. The streaming audio on garage band sucks. Try to download the MP3 instead. Don't get skeered :D



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