Acoustico Electrico Recorded Dead of Winter in Minneapolis

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Acoustico Electrico Recorded Dead of Winter in Minneapolis

Post by konabuzz » Thu Aug 28, 2003 10:01 am


LONG time reader, infrequent poster, mostly poseur......

If you've got an idle moment, please check out my latest mixing project, a husband/wife team in my hometown of Minneapolis who write/play thier own material and were recorded to ADAT primarily with a modest signal chain (couple of large dynamics to Mackie board, etc.) and then mixed in CEP by your's truly. A cheapo drum machine click track was used, but discarded later (ish...) . Better without it, although some brush work might've been nice. These are good friends of mine, so be gentle with them, but don't spare the rod with my mixing....Honesty, please....


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Re: Acoustico Electrico Recorded Dead of Winter in Minneapol

Post by konabuzz » Fri Aug 29, 2003 9:38 am

Aw, c'mon......

Not even one comment, nasty or nice?

I put a little effort into the mixing of this -- the source material was a tad uneven, having been done in the spare moment here and there, track by track. Lots of cleaning up, practice. Happy tracking!

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Re: Acoustico Electrico Recorded Dead of Winter in Minneapol

Post by liar » Wed Sep 03, 2003 10:49 am

I really like your mixes. I actually like the source material, but don't tell anyone. :)

I can kind of tell what you mean about "uneven" but it definitely adds character to (potentially) otherwise flat material.

"Take These Wheels" sounds like a Kid Dakota recording. Good or bad? You make that call. (I like it, personally.)

I have "Lonely Out There" on right now. The woman has a great voice... the lyrics are a little on the generic side, but I seriously like their sound. Not bad... I would even go so far as to say I like it.

All in all, GREAT job on your end. You're from Minneapolis? Will you record my band? :) I'm in Madison, WI.


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Re: Acoustico Electrico Recorded Dead of Winter in Minneapol

Post by konabuzz » Wed Sep 03, 2003 6:14 pm


Thanks for the kind words, Nick.....although with a nick like Liar, uh, Nick.....are you suggesting that everything you wrote is somehow, uh, insincere?

I will operate under the assumption that you are genuine, although I'm not sure I'm deserving of the praise nonetheless....: )

I will say I had fun, and it was a challange....Did a fair amount of noisegating in an effort to clean things up, although in retrospect maybe a few diesel trucks and sirens would've been more true to the "recorded in the living room -- got 20 minutes before work" feel...Recorded the individual tracks one at at time audio from ADAT to Cool Edit. I could've gone with a digital transfer of all 8 tracks, but wanted to run them through outboard compressors, etc. Actually experimented with running the vocals through a 3 head R2R for the tape compression -- subtle, but I can hear it.

Yeah, I agree about her voice......something special. I like his guitar work, too. Can you say Neil Young? And yeah, the lyrics....Well, hey -- I'm terrible with writing lyrics, myself, so I refrain from judging too harshly!

Hey, I wasn't aware of Kid Dakota. it a lot! I see the comparision as far as the rootsiness and sparseness go, but I really like his production -- really great room sound. Hmmmm.......

As far as recording your dreams are bigger than my budget at this point. Got the goods for mixing, but lack the real estate for a good "room" yet. Someday.....

Peace, and say hi to Butch Vig fo'me.....Madison? I'll say hi to....hmmm....who still lives here?

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Butch Vig

Post by liar » Wed Sep 03, 2003 9:46 pm

I have a funny Butch Vig story.

I was taking my ol' grandmother grocery shopping. She sees some other old woman she knows, and is all "Hey, that's the mother of that guy you like."

I was all "Whatchu talkin' 'bout Willis?"

"Ohh... the Vig boy."

"No shit, that's Butch's mom?"

So she calls Butch's mom over to talk to me, and I am like.. Oooh!! Siamese Dream! Dirty!

and she's all "Yeah, do you like Garbage?"

but she told me to (and this is a REAL QUOTE, not a made up one like the others) "Keep on rock and rolling!!!"

She was cute, and it was a fun story.


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Re: Acoustico Electrico Recorded Dead of Winter in Minneapol

Post by wardshorsehead » Fri Sep 05, 2003 11:58 pm

nice stuff...

i live in the cities as well...who is this on the recording? do they play out at all? i'd check them out.


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Re: Acoustico Electrico Recorded Dead of Winter in Minneapol

Post by konabuzz » Mon Sep 08, 2003 7:39 pm

Thanks, Frank.....

Yes, they do play out under more of a alterna-roots type guise with bass & drums, but not regularly....outdoor festivals are fav's. I'm hesitant to name them as I posted these mixes more to solicit critique of my dubious talents as a mixer rather than anything else, but I certainly do welcome those comments about the "talent" -- in fact, they mean a hell of a lot to me! : )...And I will certainly pass 'em along. I've got some more recent stuff that I'll post soon, as well as some studio floor sweepings, as I call 'em......

Peas & Carrots


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