for anyone who has non-music jobs

gettin' sounds
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for anyone who has non-music jobs

Post by bellulah » Mon Jan 31, 2005 11:13 pm

so, does anyone else just get randomly depressed at work?

here's where i'm coming from. i'm a jolly guy, kidna pride myself in being an optimist. but i have two day jobs, one in a microbiology lab and a second at target (go ahead an make fun, but it pays for fun stuff like amps). but then i'll play a gig or record someone and just explode at the thought of how fun it is.

but then i get to one of my jobs and i'm like "aww shit this sucks." and i know everyone thinks that, but why? why do you think that? for me, it's a pure simple desire just to be creative all day long. i space out when i'm doing stuff and i'll be like "ohh... that'd be a good song title..." or i'll think what a good photograph something would make, or how i think i could write a book. i just want to be creative.

for people who sit in non-music jobs, WHY does it suck? like, my jobs are rad, but i would rather be able to focus 100% of myself to being creative. do you think it sucks because you work in a pickle factory? do you want to be creative too? or do you just want to capture other people being creative?

i'm just curious. that's all. i hope i explained what i'm feeling good enough...

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Re: for anyone who has non-music jobs

Post by Mr. Dipity » Mon Jan 31, 2005 11:36 pm

bellulah wrote: so, does anyone else just get randomly depressed at work?
Most of the day, followed by my commute home, and then usually most of the evening while I try to pick up where I was yesterday. So then I spend a great deal more time here, during the day, than I should.

Oh yes, and my gf wants to settle down and start a family, or she's not going to be around much longer....

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Re: for anyone who has non-music jobs

Post by Ivon » Mon Jan 31, 2005 11:37 pm

bellulah wrote:so, does anyone else just get randomly depressed at work?

here's where i'm coming from. i'm a jolly guy, kidna pride myself in being an optimist. but i have two day jobs, one in a microbiology lab and a second at target (go ahead an make fun, but it pays for fun stuff like amps). but then i'll play a gig or record someone and just explode at the thought of how fun it is.

but then i get to one of my jobs and i'm like "aww shit this sucks." and i know everyone thinks that, but why? why do you think that? for me, it's a pure simple desire just to be creative all day long. i space out when i'm doing stuff and i'll be like "ohh... that'd be a good song title..." or i'll think what a good photograph something would make, or how i think i could write a book. i just want to be creative.

for people who sit in non-music jobs, WHY does it suck? like, my jobs are rad, but i would rather be able to focus 100% of myself to being creative. do you think it sucks because you work in a pickle factory? do you want to be creative too? or do you just want to capture other people being creative?

i'm just curious. that's all. i hope i explained what i'm feeling good enough...
Welcome to my world. I've hated nearly every job I've ever had for the very reasons you're describing - and I've had many. Remember the scene in American Beauty, when the dude tells the catering guy he quits...that's been me for most of my adult life.

A large part of why I went to college was so I wouldn't have to work...during that time in college I worked on music between 2 and 8 hours a day. After I graduated a couple of years ago, I got a couple jobs that paid pretty well. You, know - your basic office jobs where you get your own desk in a gray fucking cubicle, stare at a computer all day and hit alt/tab whenever someone walks by...I hated those jobs too, even though I was making pretty good money and could afford a lot of fun stuff. But, I was away from music for nearly 12 hours a day if you include commute time. It was draining the joy from my life.

So...I moved out of the local "big city" to where rent is cheaper and got a job working part time. The job certainly doesn't pay as much. It's not glamorous, but one's watching over my shoulders, I'm not logged into a computer system, no one is tracking my every thought...and most importantly, I'm able to work on music for at least 4 hours a day during the week (usually more). Weekends, forget about's all I do, really.

For me, creating music comes before recording it. Both are equally important, though...thus, if you do both time is of the essence. You need a lot of it.

So, yeah. I totally feel where you're coming from. Though you may be making ducats at a non music related job, if you're really creative, you're mind is most certainly going to be elsewhere while on the clock.

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Re: for anyone who has non-music jobs

Post by soundguy » Tue Feb 01, 2005 1:17 am

want a reality check?

sometimes I get to the studio and go "aw shit, this sucks" and remind myself that it pays for fun stuff like adventures.

Sometimes, I get to set, have to tolerate some ultramega ego that only fame can give you and go "aw shit, american culture is worthless" but remind myself that it pays for fun stuff like adventures.

I love recording and I couldnt be happier but sometimes even fantasy job just becomes a job that is as dull and unrewarding as the most common case of flourescent lighting office slavery.

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Re: for anyone who has non-music jobs

Post by psychicoctopus » Tue Feb 01, 2005 1:34 am

yo, been there. I spent 10 years on a research chemistry career path. I HAD to quit because it became obvious that it was making me miserable. I started keeping a bottle of cyanide on my desk as a message to myself. One night I packed up my shit and left to pursue creative musical things. I haven't regretted that decision once... although I make less money now than I did in grad school.
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Re: for anyone who has non-music jobs

Post by psychicoctopus » Tue Feb 01, 2005 1:44 am

sserendipity wrote:Most of the day, followed by my commute home, and then usually most of the evening while I try to pick up where I was yesterday. So then I spend a great deal more time here, during the day, than I should.
what do you do at work?
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Re: for anyone who has non-music jobs

Post by jmiller » Tue Feb 01, 2005 2:46 am

soundguy wrote:want a reality check?
sometimes I get to the studio and go "aw shit, this sucks" and remind myself that it pays for fun stuff like adventures.
This is true. I work in a great studio and can't imagine working anywhere else right now, even another studio. But sometimes, and even often depending on the week, I'm thinking "i'd rather not be here 'till 4 am and be at home naked on top (or bottom) of my wife." And then, sometimes, it's like, "oh, fuck. a 40 piece orchestra setup with all tube mics? What a pain in the balls."

I assisted on a mix session a few months ago and those damn winnie the pooh songs are still stuck in my head. Yeah, it's pretty cool sometimes, but other times it's just a job.

But i've also had grueling non-music jobs and can understand how you feel. The only thing i can think to say on that is, at least try to find a job that you can leave at work so you can go home and make music.

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Re: for anyone who has non-music jobs

Post by djimbe » Tue Feb 01, 2005 4:41 am

I had a job for 13 years that could be fun sometimes and an enormous pain in the ass others. Many was the day I thought "this place sucks", but then I remembered that dealing with it and the money that came along with it paid for the studio that I loved being at.

Then I got downsized, which REALLY sucked. It was great fun being at the studio every day, and I learned a lot, and helped some folks make some good recordings. But I've been out of work for a year now, I'm broke and that sucks.

Today, I started 4 months of 12 hour, 7 day a week night work, outside on the shore of Lake Michigan. That's gonna suck like there's no tomorrow, but come June I can spend another year away from a straight job, doing nothing but recording, and that's going to be ever so cool...

Until I'm broke again, at which point the cycle of suckiness renews...
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Re: for anyone who has non-music jobs

Post by bigtoe » Tue Feb 01, 2005 6:03 am

been on both sides of the fence. the both have their ups and downs.

i like working and not having to worry about where my rent is coming from...i mean creative ways to eat? no thanks...

also - when recording becomes 100% it can become a chore. you are working for whoever whenever however so you can pay the bills. day jobs actually allow you to be more creative in this respect. you do what you want.

also think of al the things you can do with a stapler...i mean come on...this this is a blast! i never get tired of mine. we're going out to lunch today.


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Re: for anyone who has non-music jobs

Post by drmorbius » Tue Feb 01, 2005 6:38 am

The way I've always looked at it is that without time away from music, there's nothing for me to write music about. Unless I'm going to write music ABOUT music, which just results in crap like I Like that Ol' Time Rock n' Roll or whatever by Bob Seeger and his Silver Bullshit Band.

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Re: for anyone who has non-music jobs

Post by llmonty » Tue Feb 01, 2005 6:47 am

yup - i am in the same boat. i think that happiness is really a strange complex trick we need to play on ourselves. i think that jobs are an easy scapegoat - face it though, if you don't have a job that involves doing something you love - it is going to suck - especially if you work fulltime.

i have complained about my job lots, but nothing other than something totally different would help. it would be the same old shit. also, i think what makes jobs harder is that it accentuates other bad things or habits in your life. i procrastinate and also feel like i have ADD. If I could just sit down and focus my work would get done quicker. and without getting too deep into my psyche i do get some good things from work. but if things in my life are going well, my job isn't so bad. whether it is a good show, vacation, relationships, etc. when these are going well work is alot more bearable. when things go wrong, you hear from me 'my job sucks' alot more.
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Re: for anyone who has non-music jobs

Post by bad_dude_69 » Tue Feb 01, 2005 7:20 am

you guys are hitting it right on the head - i'm experiencing a bout of this as well. it's possible it's got something to do with the eternally (and gloriously (when looking at it from November)) dreary chicago winter.
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Re: for anyone who has non-music jobs

Post by Rick Hunter » Tue Feb 01, 2005 7:39 am

Man, I all about getting depressed at my job. My job fucking sucks. But yeah, it pays my bills and lets me buy recording gear and, I get to hang out on Tapeop and other sweet unnamed message boards.

And its just what I do right now ya know. I mean, someday I am gonna be a rock star...right?...RIGHT?

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Re: for anyone who has non-music jobs

Post by Zoltar » Tue Feb 01, 2005 9:20 am

I have worked at an Engineering firm for a few years, then took a few months off to do music. It turns out I do about the same with music as i did before, so I am thinking about going back to work for another couple years.

The way it works for me is that I like that anticipation of powering on the gear with a head full of ideas. I would rather fumble and fight through a job outside of music, and be happy to get home and record than...well....

ok, two thoughts that have occured to me over the last few years.

as a musician, you need things to write about. If music is all you do, you end up with heady formula shit like Yanni or Korn.

it is difficult to love something and try to make money doing it. the money compromises the integrety.

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Re: for anyone who has non-music jobs

Post by I'm Painting Again » Tue Feb 01, 2005 10:44 am

soundguy wrote: it pays for fun stuff like adventures.
you can't have an adventure without a gun..ever see Search and Destroy?

good flick.


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